%A NIM.: 19103040003 Lailatul Mustaniroh %O Pembimbing: Prof. Drs. H. Ratno Lukito, M.A., DCL. %T IMPLIKASI TINDAK PIDANA PENGGUNAAN DATA PALSU SURAT IZIN LINGKUNGAN DALAM PERTAMBANGAN PASIR (STUDI KASUS DI DUSUN TUNGGULARUM WONOKERTO TURI SLEMAN) %X Many excavation C mining activities in the Dusun Tunggularum are not approved by the local community. Requirements for mining permits that require the identity and files of people who do not agree are falsified by the mining management so that mining activities can be carried out. The existence of this forgery resulted in the mining activities of Category C in the Tunggularum Hamlet being carried out because the requirements were complete, so that the mining activities carried out with several fake permits had implications for the environment and for the rights of the people of the Tunggularum Hamlet. The aims of this study were (1) community practices and efforts related to falsification of Class C environmental permit data in the Tunggularum Hamlet. (2) the implication of falsifying data on the environment and the rights of the Dusun Tunggularum community as a result of using fake data in environmental permits for mining activities. This study used a qualitative research method with a sociological juridical research type. The data sources used are primary and secondary data. Data obtained through observation, interviews, documentation and literature study. The theory used is the Differential Social Organization Theory which is strengthened by the Differential Opportunity Structure theory. The results of this study are (1) the practice of falsification is carried out by taking the attendance list of the Merapi Volcano disaster socialization activities which have community signatures. The family cards and KTPs of the people who did not agree were obtained through the assistance of the hamlet head so that the community collected them under the pretext of re-collecting data from the Merapi disaster. Community efforts regarding the crime of counterfeiting have been reported to the Sleman Regional Police, but the Regional Police did not receive the report. (2) The implications of mining activities as a result of the use of false data for the environment include: reduced water discharge, damage and loss of community plantation land, loss of footpaths leading to community lands, destruction of the slopes of Mount Merapi conservation forest, damaged roads, air pollution of dust and noise. Falsification of environmental permit data has implications for the rights of the Dusun Tunggularum community, including taking away the right to participate, the right to express opinions, the right to protect personal data and the right to harmony in neighbors. In addition, from a human rights perspective, there are a number of rights that have claimed the people of Dusun Tunggularum, including the right to compensation due to mining which does not fully exist, their right to work is lost, the right to a good and healthy environment, economic, social and cultural rights. %K Pemalsuan, Pertambangan Pasir, Hak Masyarakat, Lingkungan %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib59689