%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A Lailatul Fitri Nur Syaadah, NIM.: 19103040122 %B FAKULTAS SYARI’AH DAN HUKUM %D 2023 %F digilib:59716 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Pernikahan di Bawah Umur, Pandemi Covid 19, Pernikahan %P 103 %T ANALISIS YURIDIS PERNIKAHAN DI BAWAH UMUR DI MASA PANDEMI COVID 19 (STUDI KASUS DI KAPANEWON KASIHAN KABUPATEN BANTUL) %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/59716/ %X Along with the times, various adolescent contexts have undergone many changes, one of which is changes in adolescent lifestyles. The environment touched by adolescents must be observed and observed because it can be a risk for adolescents in the future. Many teenagers enter environments that are relatively easy to touch, such as the world of drugs and the world of relationships without strings attached. This will result in unnatural acts, such as drug consumption and free sex and lead to a marriage. Especially with the new cases, namely the Covid- 19 pandemic which is spreading very quickly in regions of the world. Various impacts resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic, one of which is the increasing number of underage marriages in Kapanewon Kasihan, Bantul Regency. This type of research is qualitative research with data obtained from conducting field research (field research). This research is analytical descriptive using an empirical juridical approach. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews, literature studies, and documentation. Data analysis in this study is carried out by summarizing data that has been obtained from the results of interviews and will be supplemented from other sources, such as books, articles, journals, magazines, and so on as support for the results of the interview. The results showed that the factors that influenced the increase in underage marriage in the Kapanewon Kasihan area during the Covid-19 pandemic were the existence of extramarital pregnancies and changes in the minimum age of marriage in the Law. The effort made by KUA Kapanewon Kasihan is to carry out socialization. In addition, there is counseling by community leaders and the use of recitation forums. The purpose of some of these efforts is to reduce the increasing number of early marriages in the Kapanewon Kasihan area, Bantul Regency. The consideration given by the judge in several applications for marriage dispensation during the covid 19 pandemic in the Kapanewon Kasihan area is because the bride-to-be has become pregnant and the bride-to-be has not met the minimum age of marriage. %Z Pembimbing: Dr. Sri Wahyuni, S.Ag., M.Ag., M.Hum