@mastersthesis{digilib59766, month = {May}, title = {PRAKTIK PERHITUNGAN HARI PERNIKAHAN BERDASARKAN WETON : STUDI KASUS TRADISI PERHITUNGAN WETON PADA MASYARAKAT DUSUN GESIKAN, KECAMATAN NGLUWAR, KABUPATEN MAGELANG}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 19203012030 Siti Musyarofah}, year = {2023}, note = {Pembimbing: Dr. Fathorrahman, S.Ag. M.Si}, keywords = {Tindakan Sosial Max Weber, Antropologi Al-Qur?an Dr. Ali Sodiqin, Maslahah Mursalah,}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/59766/}, abstract = {This thesis discusses the unification of wedding day using Weton in Gesikan Hamlet, Ngluwar Village, Magelang Regency which still exist until today. For Gesikan residents, ensuring a good day is an action that must be taken into account because it is believed to be an effort in forming a sakinah mawaddah warohmah family. Gesikan Hamlet residents have someone who is an expert in the field of weton calculation, He is Mr. Zunianto. This calculation is only done once before the marriage takes place, when the results find suitable results, it is allowed to continue the marriage stage. Interestingly, when they find a mismatch in the calculation results but still want to get married, then there is a special ritual carried out after the wedding takes place. Among-among rice is provided as a symbol of gratitude, as well as a repellent for bala' or bad fate. However, the more advanced the people of Gesikan Hamlet slowly began to leave the petung tradition. This research used field research method, observations of the Gesikan Hamlet community studied which is focused on the study of the weton calculation tradition and the beliefs of the Gesikan Hamlet community. Data collection in the field was carried out using the interview method to several community leaders, observation of the weton tradition and community beliefs, and documentation in order to obtain accurate results in writing the thesis. The approach used in this research is a legal sociology approach, the compiler observes how the weton calculation tradition and community beliefs are associated with Max Weber's Sociology theory, Dr. Ali Sodiqin's Anthropology, and maslahah mursalah. Based on the results of the discussion of this study, it can be concluded that first, the practice of weton calculation in Gesikan Hamlet according to Max Weber includes traditional actions, based on this type of survival of the weton tradition because it has been passed down from generation to generation so that it has been deeply rooted. Second, weton calculations are carried out because Islam is a religion that respects tradition, a friendly and polite attitude in preaching is the hallmark of Islam as a religion that is rahmatan lil 'alamin. Responding to the Weton calculation tradition in Gesikan Hamlet can be seen from Dr. Ali Sodiqin's Qur'anic dialectic process with tradition as a form of taghyir. Its existence as a custom is actually allowed, as long as its implementation does not harm the creed and shari'at. Third, the basis used in carrying out this tradition is to follow the traditions of the predecessors as a form of prudence in conducting marriage so that unwanted things do not occur and damage harmony in marriage, basically this does not conflict with the basic concept of maslahah mursalah, maslahah is maintaining the objectives of shara' by maintaining everything that can damage the marriage.} }