%A NIM.: 20203012028 Faisal Saidi, S.H %O Pembimbing: Prof. Dr. Drs. H. Makhrus, S.H., M.Hum. %T KEADILAN PROSEDURAL DALAM PUTUSAN MAHKAMAH KONSTITUSI NOMOR 79/PUU-XVII-2019 (PERSPEKTIF SIYASAH QADAIYYAH) %X This research raises the topic "Procedural Justice in the Constitutional Court Decision Number 79/PUU/XVII-2019 (Siyāsah Qaḍaiyyah Perspective)". This research departs from a polemic about the discourse of weakening the KPK, as an independent institution that investigates corruption in Indonesia, one form of which is the formation of KPK Law Number 19 of 2019. After the 2019 KPK Law was enacted, citizens filed objections at the Constitutional Court through a request for a formal test of the 2019 KPK Law. And then, on the request for a formal test of the 2019 KPK Law, the Constitutional Court issued Decision Number 79/PUU/XVII-2019 as a final legal decision. With that in mind, this research limits the main focus of the discussion to two things: first: in the process of testing laws in the formal aspect, how is procedural justice addressed in Constitutional Court Decision Number 79/PUU/XVII-2019. And second: what is the view of Siyāsah Qaḍaiyyah towards procedural justice in Decision Number 79/PUU/XVII-2019. This type of research is library research, which is descriptive-analytical in nature. The data in this research is collected using literature study techniques, with a normative juridical approach. Meanwhile, all the data that has been collected will be analyzed using the theory of Siyasah Qaḍaiyyah and procedural justice. The results of the study show two things: First, the judges of the Constitutional Court, in their decision Number 79/PUU/XVII-2019, have not reflected procedural justice. In this position, the judge neglected to consider the facts of the trial as well as other facts related to the formal test of KPK Law Number 19 of 2019. Second, in the perspective of Siyāsah Qaḍaiyyah, the absence of a form of procedural justice reflected in the decision of the Constitutional Court Judge Number 79/PUU/XVII-2019 can be verified through the behavior of judges in deciding cases, especially as can be seen, analyzed, and integrated through a treatise of al-Qadhi Umar bin Khattab. %K Mahkamah Konstitusi, Keadilan Prosedural, Siyasah Qaḍaiyyah %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib59775