%A NIM.: 20200011112 Shifa Rifkiana %O Pembimbing: Dr. Nina Mariani Noor, SS., MA. %T TAREKAT DAN KESEHATAN MENTAL GENERASI MILENIAL: STUDI ATAS MATAN (MAHASISWA AHLITH THARIQAH AL MU’TABAROH AN NAHDLIYYAH) %X This study aims to explore the relationship between thariqah and the mental health of the millennial generation with a focus on MATAN (Students of Ahlith Thariqah Al Mu'tabarah An Nahdliyyah). Many argue that the thariqah is only an activity for the elderly. However, in MATAN, as a thariqah organization, the majority of its members are millennials. The millennial generation's motives in joining MATAN and how their mental health and how the thariqah influences their mental health are what this research tries to find out in this study. To find out the three problem formulations above, this study used qualitative methods with a type of field research approach. Prior to collecting qualitative data, questionnaires were distributed to measure the mental health level of members of MATAN UIN Sunan Kalijaga (low, medium, high) and to help find suitable participants for interviews. The results showed that the average level of mental health of members of the Matan UIN Sunan Kalijaga was at a moderate level. The qualitative data collection, through in depth interview techniques and observation, was used to gain an understanding of the impact of MATAN's activities on the mental health of its members and for what motives they joined MATAN. The results obtained are that MATAN activities which are based on the five principles of MATAN that have a significant influence on the mental health of its members. In addition, it was found that the motive of the millennial generation to join MATAN is to seek peace and draw closer to God. %K thariqah; mental health; millennial generation; MATAN %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib59786