@mastersthesis{digilib59853, month = {May}, title = {MAJELIS KAFI DAN SELF-HEALING MUSLIMAH PERKOTAAN}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 21200011070 Sheila Hariry}, year = {2023}, note = {Pembimbing: Najib Kailani, S.Fill.I., M.A., Ph.D.}, keywords = {Majelis Taklim; urban muslimah; self-healing; sakinah family}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/59853/}, abstract = {This thesis examines the process of self-healing at the majelis taklim in urban Muslimah life through the frame of the Majelis Kafi. The previous studies, in general, have assessed that majelis taklim is part of a strategy to undermine gender hierarchies and mobilize women with a broader public role. On the contrary, this thesis shows that majelis taklim strengthens the position of women in the domestic space and family institutions. qualitative research applies the life story method which was, conducted for approximately three months. The data in this study were obtained through field observations, namely b directly involved in every activity held. In addition, the author also conducted in-depth interviews with administrators and Muslim women who participated in Majelis Kafi. This thesis shows that mental self-healing which has so far been handled by medical professionals and tends to be science-oriented, does not give satisfaction to urban Muslim women. Thus, the authors consider that urban Muslim women tend to choose religious authorities to become mediators in coping with their household problems. The popularity of the Majelis Kafi as a majelis taklim by offering to preach that have a lot of direct bearing on the realities of household life, has become a necessity and effort for urban Muslim women in solving household problems. Therefore, this thesis argues that the majelis taklim is not only a form of pious practice of urban Muslim women. More than that, it is also a means of self-healing for urban Muslim women in solving household problems in order to create a sakinah family.} }