%A NIM. 05730040 DEWI MUYASAROH %O Pembimbing: 1. Drs. Abdul Rozak, M. Pd 2. Drs. Siantari Rihartono, M. Si. %T CITRA RUMAH ZAKAT INDONESIA CABANG YOGYAKARTA MENURUT MASYARAKAT PEMBERI DAN PENERIMA ZAKAT DI YOGYAKARTA %X ABSTRAK Building trust is not easily done by a social organization such as institution of Zakah Home Indonesia Yogyakarta Branch. There are so many strategies that must be taken in order to gain that trust. This is the duty of a Public Relations (PR) to develop a strategy to introduce the agency that has a positive image and trust in society. Because an image is the main goal and is a reputation and accomplishments to be achieved for the world of public relations (PR) or public relations. In this study, which made the object of research is the image of the Houses Zakat Indonesia Yogyakarta Branch. The formulation of the problem in the study of how images are formed in society to house Zakat Indonesia Yogyakarta Branch and how the strategy of Public Relations Home Zakat Indonesia Yogyakarta Branch in managing its programs to get a positive image in society. This research is descriptive quantitative research that is aimed only describes the state of social phenomena-is, without looking at the relationships that exist. Methods of data collection using questionnaires, interviews, observation and documentation. Analysis of the data using frequency distribution techniques. The results of this study was the House of Zakat Indonesia Yogyakarta Branch get a positive image in society, they consider that the House Zakat Indonesia is very reliable in carrying out their duties. So rich people who want to spend zakat, infak and shadaqahnya, get quiet and do not need to worry because they spend zakat can be up to the appropriate people. Other evidence indicates that the House Zakat Indonesia has received a positive image is obtained by the House several awards Zakat Indonesia as well as cooperation with big companies in Indonesia. While the strategy of Public Relations Home Zakat Indonesia Yogyakarta Branch in managing its programs to get a positive image in the community that is in determining utilization of programs tailored to the sharia and targeting accuracy, and supported with reliable human resource and employment system that is equated with the company. div %K citra, rumah zakat Indonesia %D 2011 %I UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta %L digilib6000