%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A IDRIS, NIM.: 06730011 %B /S1 - Skripsi/Fakultas Ishum/ %D 2011 %F digilib:6004 %I UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta %K iklan, humanisme, komunikais %P 122 %T IKLAN DALAM PERSPEKTIF HUMANISME (ANALISIS SEMIOTIKA IKLAN AQUA VERSI 'SATU UNTUK SEPULUH') %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/6004/ %X ABSTRAK Advertising is one arm of a series of marketing communication processes. A good ad is the ad that is able to positively shape public perceptions about the products offered. In an advertisement contained elements of verbal communication and non-verbal support each other forming a message. Verbal message in the form of written and spoken, while non-verbal messages in the form of images, sounds, colors, and everything that does not use oral and written language as a conveyor of the message. Advertise in perspective view the structure of the message of humanism in the ad as an effort to empower people's lives as they should. With the power of influence, advertising is capable of forming public awareness to participate and help alleviate social problems that occur in everyday life. Ads aqua version of quot;one to ten quot; as one form of advertising that contains the values of humanism in it placing humanitarian issues that deserve attention from various parties. Research on the ad aqua version of quot;SatuuntukSepuluh quot; aims to dig deeper into the values of humanism inherent in the structure of the overall advertising message. Humanism, as disclosed by Kuntowijoyo as an effort to humanize humans, must see human beings as creatures of God who both have the right to enjoy life like any other. There is no difference between rich and poor, good-bad, tribal and popular. The focal point humanism is role as human beings in daily life. This study uses semiotics as a method to interpret the meanings contained in each text ad. Semiotics, as described by John Fiske, is a study of a series of signs. Included in the categories is a sign of everything that shaped the message, both verbal and non-verbal, so far as it gives meaning to objects outside the sign itself. Advertising as a form of mass communication contains a lot of signs, whether it be icons, symbols, and verbal messages and posts. From the results of research on ad aqua version of quot;Satu untuk Sepuluh quot; seen some of the values of humanism contained in the overall content of advertising messages. The first is humanism value education as contained in the constitution that every citizen has the right to obtain a decent education. Second, health care, which is the most fundamental rights of every human being to enjoy a healthy life. Third, welfare can be measured based on the degree of fulfillment of daily needs. So the ads as a medium of socialization befungsi to arouse public awareness of the values of humanism to participate ease the burden of our brothers are overwritten distress. div %Z Pembimbing: Drs. Abdul Rozak, M.Pd.