%0 Thesis %9 Doctoral %A Yadri Irwansyah, NIM.: 18300016008 %B PASCASARJANA %D 2023 %F digilib:60071 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K cultural acculturation; power relations; Islamic tombs of Ulak Lebar %P 290 %T AKULTURASI BUDAYA DAN RELASI KUASA DALAM SITUS NISAN ISLAM DI ULAK LEBAR LUBUKLINGGAU ABAD XVII M %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/60071/ %X Islamic tombs of Ulak Lebar are the results of cultural acculturation between megalithic tradition heritage and the influence of Islam arriving in Lubuklinggau early 17th century AD. By the arrival of Islam, the people of Lubuklinggau had practiced megalithic tradition heritage of erecting menhirs along with funeral rituals. The acculturation made Palembang Sultanate entangled with power relations through the policies prepared by the ruler of Palembang. The shifting from menhirs function to tombs is an interesting finding of Lubuklinggau people’s culture considering only a few number of studies on it had been carried out. Three main points were discussed in this study, namely the process of Islamization occurring in Lubuklinggau in 17th century AD, the acculturation patterns of megalithic tradition heritage and Islam, and the roles of Palembang Sultanate in the process of Islamic tomb tradition acculturation in Ulak Lebar. Employing anthropological and political approach, this historical research aimed to describe historical and cultural processes occurring in Ulak Lebar Lubuklinggau. The efforts were carried out using historical method with the procedure began from heuristic, source criticism, interpretation of historical facts, and historiography. The study utilized acculturation theory paradigm of John W. Bery and power relations of Michel Foucault. Bery said that cultural integration leading to acculturation process could occur if a cultural group had an interest in preserving its cultural heritage when interacting with another culture, and the predominant group allowed the preservation of culture to continue. Whereas Foucault said that sovereignty was not an institution or a structure. Neither was it a mechanism of domination as a form of power intervention over the others. Sovereignty was a complex process operating through knowledge that normalizes and disciplines the body of the subject. In this dissertation, the writer discovered the facts that the process of 17th century AD Lubuklinggau Islamization started with the enactment of simbur cahaya law in which customary law was applied in combination with Islam teachings and followed by the arrival of Palemabng Sultanate messengers at Lubuklinggau. Upon the arrival of Palembang Sultanate messenger who brought Islam, the people of Ulak Lebar Lubuklinggau warmly welcomed Islam so that integration leading to acculturation of culture occurred. The process could not be separated from the role of Palembang Sultanate with his peaceful Islam dissemination mission normalizing the relations between Ulak Lebar people with the Palembang ruler. %Z Promotor I: Prof. Dr. H. Muhammad Abdul Karim, M.A., M.A. dan Promotor II Dr. H. Maharsi, M. Hum.