%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A Khoirul Umam, NIM.: 19206050015 %B FAKULTAS SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI %D 2023 %F digilib:60077 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Cross Platform, Mobile Application, React Native, Flutter, Comparison, Memory Usage, CPU Usage, IOS, Android, Application Development. %P 105 %T PERBANDINGAN PENGGUNAAN MEMORY DAN CPU APLIKASI MOBILE NATIVE DAN CROSS-PLATFORM DALAM PENGGUNAAN HTTP REQUEST %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/60077/ %X The development of multi-platform mobile applications has quite difficult challenges, because the development of multi-platform applications requires different source code for each platform. Therefore, the Cross Platform framework is currently a solution for developing multi-platform mobile applications. Because the development of mobile applications using the Cross Platform framework only uses the same source code for different platforms. Currently, mobile application development is generally based on product development by a company. Because of this, the application being developed is a client application that makes requests to the server via the HTTP protocol. Based on these, research was conducted to provide an overview of the differences in the performance of applications developed natively and cross-platform on the use of HTTP requests. This research is a research that uses an experimental approach, where researchers will develop REST API applications, mobile native and cross-platform applications on Android and IOS platforms that make requests to servers via the HTTP protocol using the GET method. REST API developed using NodeJs and Native mobile applications developed using Android Studio for the Android platform and XCode for the IOS platform as well as React Native and Flutter for cross platform applications. Then, the mobile application will be tested using 100,000 data that has been included in the REST API that has been developed. From the test results, Memory and CPU usage data will be taken. After testing using the One Way Anova test and the Kruskal-Wallis test, the results showed that there were significant differences in Memory and CPU usage for applications developed natively compared to cross-platform. %Z Pembimbing: Ir. Muhammad Taufiq Nuruzzaman, S.T. M.Eng., Ph.D.