%A NIM.: 21202011001 Anggia Kesuma Putri %O Pembimbig: Drs. Lathiful Khuluq, MA., BSW., Ph.D %T Strategi Dakwah Humanis: Studi Kasus Platform Twitter Husein Ja’far %X With the rapid development of the times, many preachers use or modify the way of preaching through social media, such as Twitter. One of them is Husein Ja'far who is famously known as the leader of lost youths. This thesis discusses Husein Ja'far's humanist preaching strategy on the Twitter platform and the response given by the Twitter audience to the humanist preaching he shares on the platform. This research is a qualitative type through a social analysis approach. The source of this research was obtained from Husein Ja'far's humanist preaching uploads on Twitter as well as from articles, books, and other references related to this research. The results of this study show that first, the humanist dakwah strategy used by Husein Ja'far on the Twitter platform is a sentimental and rational dakwah strategy that contains elements of humanist da'wah namely justice, peace, tolerance and concern. As well as there are three forms of response obtained from his dakwah, namely positive, negative and interrogative responses. %K strategy; Humanist Da'wah; Husein Ja'far, Twitter %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib60108