%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A Irma Harum Sekar, NIM.: 16210094 %B FAKULTAS DAKWAH DAN KOMUNIKASI %D 2023 %F digilib:60121 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Kekerasan Seksual, Pondok Pesantren, Analisis Framing, Republika.Co.Id. %P 89 %T KONSTRUKSI MEDIA PADA PEMBERITAAN KASUS KEKERASAN SEKSUAL DI PONDOK PESANTREN SHIDDIQIYYAH PLOSO JOMBANG (ANALISIS FRAMING MEDIA REPUBLIKA.CO.ID) %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/60121/ %X The case of sexual violence involving officials from the Shiddiqiyyah Islamic Boarding School, Ploso, Jombang become a public concern in 2022. A number of national media have reported that case, including Republika.co.id media with an Islamic perspective.This study aims to determine the construction of Republika.co.id media in reporting cases of sexual violence that occurred at the Shiddiqiyyah Islamic Boarding School, Ploso, Jombang. This research is included in the qualitative-descriptive research. Researchers analyzed five news articles published from 8 July to 7 December 2022 using Robert N. Entman's framing analysis. The conclusions from this study are (1) Republika.co.id consistently takes a perspective that focuses on apparatus and government in reporting on cases of sexual violence at the Shiddiqiyyah Ploso Islamic Boarding School, Jombang. The use of the majority of sources from the police, prosecutors and other relevant stakeholders shows an emphasis on the credibility of sources originating from government institutions. (2) The typology of constructivism used in reporting is hypothetical realism constructivism. (3) During the construction process, at the stage of preparing for construction, Republika.co.id uses two methods, namely through journalists and syndicated news. In the construction dissemination process, Republika.co.id not only disseminates news on its website, but also shares it on social media. In the construction process, Republika.co.id uses the bad news image construction model. Meanwhile, at the confirmation stage, it is urgent for Republika.co.id to report this case because cases of sexual violence are a sensitive matter and the case is currently receiving public attention. %Z Pembimbing: Nanang Mizwar Hasyim, S.Sos., M.Si.