eprintid: 60172 rev_number: 13 eprint_status: archive userid: 12460 dir: disk0/00/06/01/72 datestamp: 2023-09-07 01:35:23 lastmod: 2023-09-07 01:35:23 status_changed: 2023-09-07 01:35:23 type: thesis metadata_visibility: show contact_email: muh.khabib@uin-suka.ac.id creators_name: Dina Nakita, NIM.: 19102010047 title: MANAJEMEN PRODUKSI PROGRAM ACARA KOPI JOSS DI JOGJA TV ispublished: pub subjects: Penyiaran subjects: mnj divisions: jur_kpi full_text_status: restricted keywords: Manajemen Produksi, Kopi Joss, Jogja TV note: Pembimbing: Seiren Ikhtiara, M.A. abstract: The Kopi Joss Program is a program owned by Jogja TV which is included in the type of reality show. The program of this event is packaged by combining interactive performances. The production of the Kopi Joss program is carried out regularly every week which is closely related to overall production management. Therefore, the author intends to understand how the production management process for the Kopi Joss program on Jogja TV is. In this study the authors used a qualitative research method with a descriptive approach. The object of this research is the production management of the Kopi Joss Jogja TV program. The discussion raised was related to the production management process for the Kopi Joss program. The author uses George Terry's theoretical basis which consists of planning, organizing, actuating, and controlling (POAC) approaches. Meanwhile the management process is based on the constraints encountered in the implementation of management, resulting in a flexible solution. The results of the research consist of 3 main stages, namely pre-production, production, and post-production. At the production stage, the producer holds control in determining the program concept with applicable regulations and broadcast licensing. The production stage is a form of realization and adjustment of the built concept. The post-production stage focuses on editing visual and audio material. Based on these stages, obstacles were found in the form of difficulty in flexibility and talent selection, a strategy was carried out as a solution to the obstacles that occurred. date: 2023-07-20 date_type: published pages: 103 institution: UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA department: FAKULTAS DAKWAH DAN KOMUNIKASI thesis_type: skripsi thesis_name: other citation: Dina Nakita, NIM.: 19102010047 (2023) MANAJEMEN PRODUKSI PROGRAM ACARA KOPI JOSS DI JOGJA TV. Skripsi thesis, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA. document_url: https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/60172/1/19102010047_BAB-I_IV-atau-V_DAFTAR-PUSTAKA.pdf document_url: https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/60172/2/19102010047_BAB-II_sampai_SEBELUM-BAB-TERAKHIR.pdf