%A NIM.: 19102020069 Al Laily Makrifatus Sa’adah %O Pembimbing: Ferra Puspito Sari, M.Pd. %T PENERIMAAN DIRI INDIVIDU DENGAN CEREBRAL PALSY (STUDI KASUS PADA PEMERLU PELAYANAN KESEJAHTERAAN SOSIAL DI BALAI REHABILITASI TERPADU PENYANDANG DISABILITAS DINAS SOSIAL DIY) %X Self-acceptance will be difficult for individuals who have abnormalities in motor function control or cerebral palsy with a variety of complex barriers from the environment, family impact, physical functioning, behavioral difficulties and other general health to bring about self-acceptance. This study aims to determine the dynamics of individual self-acceptance with cerebral palsy at PPKS at the Integrated Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities, Yogyakarta Special Region Social Service. This study uses a qualitative approach to the type of case study by collecting data using interviews and documentation. The subjects of this study consisted of female and male individuals. The results show that the dynamics of self-acceptance of the two subjects are not the same. The results of self-acceptance based on emerging behavior show that differences in family background, education, religion and social support affect how much individuals accept themselves. %K Penerimaan Diri, Cerebral Palsy, PPKS Balai Rehabilitasi Terpadu Penyandang Disabilitas %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib60190