@mastersthesis{digilib60287, month = {July}, title = {KEARIFAN LOKAL SEBAGAI MEDIA DAKWAH (STUDI KASUS PADA TRADISI HARI RAYA ENAM DI DESA UJUNG PASIR KABUPATEN KERINCI JAMBI)}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 20202011021 Rahmat Pike Pirnanda}, year = {2023}, note = {Pembimbing: Dr. Khadiq, S.Ag., M.Hum}, keywords = {Kearifan Lokal, Tradisi, Hari Raya Enam, Media Dakwah}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/60287/}, abstract = {For the people of Ujung Pasir Village, Hari Raya Enam is a holiday that is eagerly awaited for its implementation. This tradition is very special, it even looks like it is more prioritized than Eid Al-Fitr. It has become a tradition in Ujung Pasir Village that Hari Raya Enam is very lively compared to other holidays because of the many meanings contained in the ritual. From this background, the researcher is interested in scientifically researching the Hari Raya Enam as a Da'wah Media in Ujung Pasir Village, Kerinci District, Jambi. In order to see as a whole the practice of the Hari Raya Enam as a medium of preaching in the people of Ujung Pasir Village, Kerinci Regency. The purpose of this study is to describe the da'wah media contained in the local wisdom of the Hari Raya Enam tradition in Ujung Pasir Village. Therefore, the writer uses Asmuni Syukir's theory about da'wah media and to analyze it, da'wah messages also use the same theory conveyed through the Hari Raya Enam tradition. This research is a field research, so the research is more qualitative. In field research, there is a lot of homework that must be done by researchers, especially with the respondents being observed. This is intended so that researchers can understand social reality more deeply. The data source in this study that can be used as a reference is the people of Ujung Pasir Village, Tanah Cogok District, Kerinci Regency. To determine the data in this study, the researcher looked for subjects who were in accordance with their duties or positions and looked at their involvement and contribution to the Hari Raya Enam tradition. The results of this study will refer to what the da'wah media looks like in Hari Raya Enam tradition, namely: 1) Hari Raya Enam in Ujung Pasir Village can be identified as a medium of da'wah because it teaches a lot of da'wah messages such as faith and worship. This is in line with the theory put forward by Asmuni Sukir about da'wah media using cultural and traditional media, who are even taught direct practice of how the ritual is carried out. 2) This da'wah is carried out and conveyed in a very cultural way, such as da'wah efforts carried out through cultural activities, so that later the people who come and participate in the event do not feel being lectured and lectured on, this makes the mad'u community indirectly feel that they are not being preached to, even though they are is the target of da'i da'i. In fact, the community was prospected to participate in and carry out the activities of the Hari Raya Enam. So these Hari Raya Enam can be called a practical medium in the study of da'wah.} }