%A NIM.: 01440694 Driyana %O Pembimbing: Drs. Das Salirawati, M.Si %T PENGGUNAAN METODE PRAKTIKUM PADA PEMBELAJARAN KONSEP LARUTAN DENGAN MELIBATKAN TANGGAPAN DAN KEMAMPUAN BERFIKIR ABSTRAK TERHADAP PRESTASI BELAJAR KIMIA (STUDI EKSPERIMEN PADA SISWA KELAS X SEMESTER II DI MAN 3 YOGYAKARTA TAHUN AJARAN 2005 /2006) %X ABSTRACT The research is aimed at identifying the difference in influence between the use of practicum method and conventional method in the chemistry learning on the learning achievement of electrolit solution and non-electrolit subject involving response on the teaching learning process and abstract thinking ability. The research was conducted in MAN III Y ogyakarta, and 62 students participated in this research, including 31 student from XE class as the experiment group using practicum method in the teaching learning process and 30 students from XF as the control group using conventional method. The design of experiment used two samples, three variables. The data was collected using test method to gather the data of abstract thinking ability and chemistry learning achievement, and survey method to collect data of students' response on the teaching learning process. The validity of chemistry learning achievement instrument had been tested using biserial point correlation (rpbi), While KR-20 formula was used to identify the reliability, with the reliability coefficient of 0,871.the instruments of responses and abstract thinking ability are adopted from Indah Fitriya's dan Titi Anjar Parmiati's research with the reliability values were 0.908 and 0.197, respectively. The test of analysis requirement used chi-:square for normality test and both independent test and F-tes for homogenity test. The hypothesis testing used ANA VA A for the three variable and regression analysis. The hypothesis testing indicated that there was a significant difference in the learning achievement and students' response between students in the experiment group and those in the control group. This is showed by f-test with the value of 20.284 and 4. 720, higher that f-table on db=l ,50 with the significant level of 5% , 4.03. for the abstract thinking ability, there is no difference, indicated by f-test reaching 0,340, smaller than f-table on db = 1.50 with the significant level of 5%, 4.30. in addition, regression analysis yielded f-test 6.784, higher that f-table on db = 2.24 with the significant level of 5%, i.e 3.40. this suggested that the response and abstract thinking ability among the student affected the chemistry learning achievement. On the basis of the determined testing, it can be concluded that chemistry learning on the electrolit and non-electrolit subjects using practicum method was more effective for improving the chemistry learning achievement for student, in the second term, in Class X of MAN III Yogyakarta. %K Pembelajaran Kimia, Metode Pembelajaran, Metode Praktikum %D 2006 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib60461