%A NIM.: 19108010048 Atthaya Nasywa Fazhira %O Pembimbing: Anggari Marya Kresnowati, SE,. ME. %T AKSELERASI TRANSFORMASI EKONOMI DIGITAL PADA MASA PANDEMI DI INDONESIA %X Technology is fundamentally changing and developing very quickly, which has an impact on various industries, including the economy. E-Commerce is one of the primary economic sectors that has developed in the digital economy era, which is now the norm. To continue to compete and grow the economic sector, all business organizations must be able to adapt to the current technology-driven era. This study tries to determine whether various digital economy sectors have an impact on Indonesia's economic growth during the epidemic. The timeseries of quarters from 2018 to 2022 that make up the secondary data for this study will be processed using the Error Correction Model (ECM) approach and EVIEWS10 software. Although it does not have a substantial impact on the Indonesian economy in the short term, the growth of e-commerce has a huge long-term impact on that country's economy. While neither the volume of electronic money transactions nor the rate of ICT sector expansion have any impact on economic growth over the long or short term. The number of e-money transactions, the rate of ICT sector growth, and factors connected to the evolution of e-commerce all have a major short-term impact on GDP. The three factors mentioned above do not, however, have a substantial impact on economic growth over the long term %K Ekonomi Digital, E-Commerce, E-Money, Informasi Komunikasi, Teknologi %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib60540