relation: title: PENGARUH INFLUENCER, KONTEN MEDIA SOSIAL DAN LITERASI KEUANGAN TERHADAP MINAT GENERASI Z MUSLIM DALAM BERINVESTASI SAHAM SYARIAH DENGAN PERILAKU SYARIAH SEBAGAI VARIABEL MODERASI creator: Feby Nada Islamy, NIM.: 19108030066 subject: Manajemen Keuangan Syariah description: This research aims to determine the effect of influencer, social media content, and financial literacy on gen Z muslim interest to invest in sharia stock investment, with Sharia behavior as moderating variabel. The data source used is primary data by distributing questionnaires to 140 respondents as a sample that has been determined based on purposive sampling technique. This research uses structural equation modeling (SEM) method with the WarpPLS 8.0 analysis tool to process the data. Based on the result of the research shows positive and significant effect between Influencer (X1), Social Media Content (X2), and Financial Literacy (X3) on Gen Z Muslim Interest to Invest (Y). Furthermore, Sharia behavior (Z) also able to moderate financial literacy on interest to invest in sharia stock with a debilitating relationship, while sharia behavior (Z) not able to moderate influencer and social media content. date: 2023-07-12 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Feby Nada Islamy, NIM.: 19108030066 (2023) PENGARUH INFLUENCER, KONTEN MEDIA SOSIAL DAN LITERASI KEUANGAN TERHADAP MINAT GENERASI Z MUSLIM DALAM BERINVESTASI SAHAM SYARIAH DENGAN PERILAKU SYARIAH SEBAGAI VARIABEL MODERASI. Skripsi thesis, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA.