%A NIM.: 16710101 Praditta Arum Rahmadini %O Pembimbing: Nuristighfari Masri Khaerani S.Psi., M.Psi %T KEPUASAN PERNIKAHAN PADA PASANGAN YANG MELAKUKAN TA’ARUF %X Human will build a biological relationship through marriage bond that will be risen the nation children with good character. However, the lack of marriage satisfaction on the material, psychological, and sexual needs effected on increasing the divorce cases, so the other methods is required to know the potential partner before going to marriage level which is ta’aruf. This study aims to describe the marriage satisfaction on ta’aruf couple through qualitative research based on the postpositivism philosophy within gain the meaningfulness in the results of descriptive interview. Implementation of purposive sampling technique determines the sample that has a criterion i.e., male and female on 19-40 years old, has marriage year around 5-15 years, do a ta’aruf before married, also had a kid. %K Kepuasan Pernikahan, Ta’aruf, Pernikahan %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib60756