%A NIM.: 16730017 Anisa Ramadhanti %O Pembimbing: Drs. Siantari Rihartono, M.Si. %T KOMUNIKASI ANTAR PRIBADI ORANG TUA DALAM MENGATASI DAMPAK PSIKOLOGIS PADA ANAK PASCA PERCERAIAN (STUDI DESKRIPTIF KUALITATIF PADA PASANGAN SUAMI ISTRI YANG BERCERAI DI DESA PUCUNGSARI KECAMATAN GRABAG KABUPATEN MAGELANG) %X The first environment of humans at birth in the world is a family. But the family will be destroyed if a family experiences a divorce. The background of this research is that divorce cases in Magelang Regency are quite high. BPS (Central Statistics Agency) Grabag District occupies the top position in divorce cases, both divorce and divorce cases reported. One of them is the case of divorce in Pucungsari Village, Grabag District, Magelang Regency, which increased in the period of 1 year there were 4 cases of divorce. The impact of divorce will change the communication that occurs between husband and wife and to children. As a result of divorce children experience psychological impacts such as feeling insecure and tend to show a closed attitude. This study used a qualitative descriptive method by collecting data using interview, observation and documentation techniques. In this study, researchers interviewed 3 couples who experienced divorce. The results of this study indicate that divorce has an impact on interpersonal communication relationships between husband and wife who experience divorce to become less intense and only communicate as necessary. However, in the ongoing interpersonal communication, some were successful in overcoming the psychological impact of the child and some were not successful because of the parents' personal problems. Through interpersonal communication, good parents will feel comfortable so they don't close themselves off from their parents about the problems or feelings felt by the child, then the results of interpersonal communication carried out by divorced married couples can overcome the psychological impact on post-divorce children. Meanwhile, the opposite happens, when a divorced husband and wife cannot communicate well interpersonally, the adverse effects that will occur on the child include the impact on the child's psychology. Because they cannot put their personal problems as a divorced husband and wife and do not prioritize children so that children will not open up and tend to be indifferent to their parents %K Interpersonal Communication, Divorce, Post-divorce, Child's Psychological Impact %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib60763