%A NIM.: 17107010106 Julian Miswag %O Pembimbing: Mayreyna Nurwardani, S.Psi., M.Psi %T GAMBARAN PENERIMAAN DIRI MAHASISWA PSIKOLOGI YANG DI TINGGAL IBU AKIBAT COVID-19 %X This study aims to describe the self-acceptance of students in dealing with pressure due to the death of their parents based on the self-acceptance factor. The criteria for informants in this study were selected based on three conditions: male/female undergraduate students, having experienced a bereavement event (death of a parent), and residing in the Yogyakarta area. This research uses a case study approach. Data collection techniques using semi-structured interview techniques. While the analysis technique uses four stages, namely data presentation, coding, data reduction, and conclusion. The findings from this research can be seen from the existence of 2 themes related to the description of self-acceptance, including the cultivation of self-awareness, and accepting the presence of family and closest people. While the factors that influence self-acceptance include self-understanding, realistic expectations, absence of environmental barriers, good prejudice, emotional pressure, belief in success, identification, perspective, upbringing, and good self-concept. In addition, the impact of self-acceptance on the life of informants includes feeling easier to accept circumstances and knowing the values or wisdom of self-acceptance. %K Covid-19, Kematian, Penerimaan Diri, Studi Kasus %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib60768