%A NIM.: 19107010040 Izzah Istiqomah %O Pembimbing: Very Julianto, M. Psi. Psikolog %T HUBUNGAN RELIGIUSITAS DAN DUKUNGAN SOSIAL TERHADAP SUBJECTIVE WELL-BEING PADA PELAKU PERNIKAHAN DINI %X Every married couple surely faces domestic issues within their marriage, which can impact the harmony, happiness, and well-being of both the family and the individuals themselves. Furthermore, marriages that take place at a young age have consequences such as stress and anxiety, domestic violence, reproductive health issues, and so forth. These factors can disrupt the happiness and subjective well-being of the individuals involved. This research aims to understand the relationship between religiosity and social support with subjective well-being among early marriage participants. The subjects of this study consisted of 82 individuals who entered into marriages at a young age, sampled using systematic sampling techniques. The Satisfaction with Life Scale and the Positive Affect Negative Affect Schedule were employed to measure subjective well-being. The Centrality of Religiosity Scale was used to measure religiosity, and The Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support was used to measure social support. Data analysis was conducted using multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the data analysis indicated a significant relationship between religiosity and social support with subjective well-being. The t-test analysis results indicated that religiosity had a significant positive relationship with the dependent variable of subjective well-being. Similarly, social support had a significant positive relationship with the dependent variable of subjective well-being. The effective contribution of religiosity to subjective well-being was 9.9%, social support's contribution was 8.4%, and their combined effective contribution to subjective well-being was 18.3%. %K Kesejahteraan Subjektif, Religiusitas, Dukungan Sosial, Pernikahan Dini. %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib60898