%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A Hilma Raselya Hanif, NIM.: 19107010121 %B FAKULTAS ILMU SOSIAL DAN HUMANIORA %D 2023 %F digilib:60945 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Kebersyukuran, Orang Tua, Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus %P 153 %T KEBERSYUKURAN PADA ORANG TUA YANG MEMILIKI ANAK BERKEBUTUHAN KHUSUS DI DAERAH SIDOKARTO, GODEAN, SLEMAN, YOGYAKARTA %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/60945/ %X Gratitude itself is very useful, one of which is to form peace of mind, happiness in life and psychological well-being. However, there are still many parents who have children with special needs who tend to lack gratitude. The purpose of this study is to describe how grateful parents are with children with special needs and what factors play a role in this gratitude. This research method uses qualitative methods with a case study approach. Research data was taken by interview techniques and field observations. The subjects of this study were two parents who have children with special needs in the Sidokarto, Godean, Sleman, Yogyakarta area. The results of this study indicate that the expression of gratitude from parents who have children with special needs are: (1) they do not care about the child's condition, (2) they think that children are the will and blessings of Allah, (3) strive for positive and best things for children , (4) prosocial, (5) always pray for goodness for children and perform special services as a form of gratitude to God and (6) always give thanks with his tongue and feel happiness every day. The gratitude of parents themselves is influenced by: (1) the existence of social support and motivation, (2) the condition of the child, (3) the existence of positive emotions and strengths such as life satisfaction and peace of mind, (4) the existence of self-acceptance of parents. Interesting findings in this study were: (1) there was no span aspect that emerged from the informants, (2) the act of trying positive and best things for children, (3) development in children's conditions became a factor of gratitude, (4) self-acceptance not an aspect of gratitude but a factor of gratitude and (5) gratitude is not a factor of life satisfaction but life satisfaction is a factor of gratitude. %Z Pembimbing: Lisnawati, S.Psi., M.Psi