%A NIM.: 19107030056 Berlian Tahta Raudla %O Pembimbing: Dr. Diah Ajeng Purwani, S.Sos, M.Si. %T KOMUNIKASI PERSUASIF INFLUENCER DI TIKTOK DALAM MENGEMBANGKAN MOTIVASI KARIR (STUDI ETNOGRAFI VIRTUAL PADA AKUN TIKTOK @Vmuliana) %X The high unemployment rate in Generation Z has become a new problem in Indonesia. This problem occurs because there so many of Generation Z are stuck in their careers due to financial awareness and mental health awareness. The presence of TikTok that is dominated by generation Z can be used to conquer the problem. @Vmuliana is a career woman as well as a TikTok influencer who has the opportunity to make a positive impact on Generation Z. In this case, persuasive communication can influence the audiences on TikTok in developing their career motivation. This research is essential to understand how social media have a significant influence in developing career motivation of Generation Z. This research uses qualitative research with virtual ethnographic approach and uses persuasive communication theory. The data that has been analyzed was obtained through participant observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that @Vmuliana is able to influence the audiences in developing career motivation by using persuasive communication techniques, which include association, integration, pay-off, icing, and red-herring. Therefore, the results of this study indicate that persuasive communication used by influencers on social media can be used to have a positive impact on social media users. %K Career Motivation, Influencer, Persuasive Communication, TikTok %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib60996