%A NIM.: 19107030124 Shafira Nada Latifa %O Pembimbing: Achmad Zuhri, M.I.Kom. %T KOMUNIKASI PROFETIK “BELANJA SEDEKAH” DALAM MEMBANGUN BRAND POSITIONING DI MASYARAKAT YOGYAKARTA (STUDI DESKRIPTIF KUALITATIF PADA PT. SHAAMA RAYA INDONESIA) %X Hedonistic behavior in Indonesia is increasing as evidenced by the increasing purchasing power of the people. Indonesia is in the first position to utilize e-commerce services to purchase products. However, the fact is that there are many underprivileged people around us. This makes social inequality in economic status in society one of the problems that results in the poverty rate continuing to increase. The province with the highest poverty rate in Java is the Special Region of Yogyakarta. PT. Shaama Raya Indonesia is present in the community with a branding called “Belanja Sedekah”, which can be an alternative for the community to shop while giving alms that are appropriate and effective. The turnover generated by the company is more than 2.5% allocated for alms given to the needy in the Yogyakarta Region. Based on the explanation above, the researcher formulates the problem for this research, namely how the Prophetic Communication of PT. Shaama Raya Indonesia's "Belanja Sedekah" in Building Brand Positioning in Yogyakarta Society. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach, with data collection through interviews, observation and documentation. Then the collected data is analyzed. The results showed that the Belanja Sedekah program contains prophetic communication that has humanization, liberation, and transcendence values. This has been implemented well by PT Shaama Raya Indonesia through the Belanja Sedekah program by having many values and teachings in accordance with the Al-Qur'an and Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. By using the five principles of brand positioning, namely value, uniqueness, credibility, sustainability, and suitability, prophetic communication contained in the Belanja Sedekah program has a role in building brand positioning in Yogyakarta society. %K Prophetic Communication, Belanja Sedekah, Brand Positioning %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib61008