relation: title: PENGEMBANGAN VIDEO PEMBELAJARAN IPA PADA MATERI CAHAYA UNTUK PESERTA DIDIK BERKEBUTUHAN KHUSUS (PDBK) TUNARUNGU creator: Henny Srihantika, NIM.: 19104050019 subject: Pendidikan Fisika subject: DISABILITAS subject: Media Pembelajaran description: Deaf learners need a learning media that can support their learning process. Learning videos based on the Indonesian Sign Language System (SIBI) are considered to be in accordance with the characteristics of deaf PDBK and can be used as independent learning media. This research aims to 1) Knowing how the results of the development of science learning videos on light material for deaf PDBK. 2) Knowing the quality of science learning videos on light material for deaf PDBK that have been developed. 3) Knowing the response of deaf PDBK to the science learning video on light material for deaf PDBK. This research is a development research (Research and Development) using the 4-D Thiagarajan 1974 development procedure. The 4-D development stages are, 1) Define, 2) Design, 3) Develop, 4) Disseminate. The research was limited to the develop stage, namely limited trials. The product quality assessment uses a 4- interval Likert scale and learner responses using a Guttman scale. This research instrument consists of interview guidelines, observation sheets, product validation sheets, product quality assessment sheets, and learner response sheets. The results of this research are 1) Science learning video on light material for Deaf PDBK, 2) The quality of the science learning video developed according to material experts and media experts has very good quality (SB) with an average score of 3.65 and 3.53 and the assessment of high school science teachers has a good quality (SB) with an average score of 3.83; 3) The results of the learner response test received an average score of 0.72 with Yes criteria. The results of this study indicate that the SIBI-based science learning video can be used as one of the learning media on light material for deaf PDBK. date: 2023-08-25 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Henny Srihantika, NIM.: 19104050019 (2023) PENGEMBANGAN VIDEO PEMBELAJARAN IPA PADA MATERI CAHAYA UNTUK PESERTA DIDIK BERKEBUTUHAN KHUSUS (PDBK) TUNARUNGU. Skripsi thesis, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA.