@phdthesis{digilib61246, month = {July}, title = {PENGEMBANGAN BOOKLET KEANEKARAGAMAN LIKEN DI KAWASAN WISATA KALIURANG SEBAGAI SUMBER BELAJAR MAHASISWA}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 19104070012 Faiq Sayyida Nasa}, year = {2023}, note = {Pembimbing: Aprillyana Dwi Utami, S.Pd., M.A.}, keywords = {Liken, Booklet, Keanekaragaman, Wisata Kaliurang}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/61246/}, abstract = {Lichen is a symbiosis between fungi and algae that has an important role in life. Lichen is one of the objects of study in the microbiology course in the Biology Education Study Program in the fourth semester of Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University. In the learning process, literacy about lichen is still lacking. Research on lichen has indeed been done a lot, but products or their use at the university level are still rare, and Indonesian-language literature on lenses is still minimal which causes students to have difficulty in understanding material about lenses. The objectives of this research are to find out the types of lichens found in Kaliurang Tourism Object, to develop a valid booklet on lichen diversity as an independent learning resource for students in the microbiology chapter on lichens, and to develop a booklet that is in accordance with the responses and needs for lecturers and students as a learning resource. The type of research conducted by researchers is descriptive exploratory with the method used in the form of a modification of the line transect method. In addition, the research method in making booklet products uses RnD with 4D models. The result of the research on lycanthrope diversity in Kaliurang area was obtained as many as 21 species of lycanthrope. Meanwhile, to determine the quality of the booklet produced, an assessment of the validation and response trials of lecturers and students was conducted. Validation from media experts obtained an average percentage of 88.24\% with the criteria "very valid" and 91.67\% from material experts with the criteria "very feasible". For the response trials conducted by lecturers and students, the response trials from lecturers obtained an average percentage of 94\% in the "very good" category and the results of student response trials obtained an average percentage of 90.75 in the "very good" category. With such assessment results, the Booklet of Lichen Diversity in Kaliurang Tourism Area is very valid and very good to be used.} }