%A NIM.: 19104070019 Wakhidatur Rokhmah %O Pembimbing: Dian Noviar, S.Pd., M.Pd. Si. %T PENGEMBANGAN MEDIA SMART CARD OF FUNGI BERBASIS POTENSI LOKAL JAMUR MAKROSKOPIS DUSUN WATUBARUT KEBUMEN PADA MATERI POKOK JAMUR UNTUK SISWA KELAS X DI MAN 1 KEBUMEN %X This study aims to: (1) know the potential types of macroscopic fungi found in Watubarut Hamlet Kebumen, (2) develop a media Smart Card of Fungi based on the local potential of macroscopic fungi in Watubarut Hamlet Kebumen on the subject matter of fungi for class X students at MAN 1 Kebumen, (3) know product quality Smart Card of Fungi based on the local potential of macroscopic fungi Watubarut Hamlet Kebumen, and (4) know students' responses to the product Smart Card of Fungi based on the local potential of macroscopic fungi Watubarut Hamlet Kebumen. The research consisted of two stages, there are research stage on the local potential of macroscopic fungi in Watubarut Hamlet Kebumen and the development stage of Smart Card of Fungi as a medium of learning for Senior High School/Islamic Senior High School. Research on the local potential of macroscopic mushrooms is qualitative descriptive research using the cruise methods and techniques of purposive sampling. As for development, Smart Card of Fungi includes the type of research and development using the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) which is limited to the development stage. Based on the research results, 21 species of macroscopic fungi were found from 2 Phylums, 6 Orders, and 15 Familia. The data obtained is then developed into learning media Smart Card of Fungi using Canva. The product Smart Card of Fungi was then tested for feasibility. Based on the results of the analysis of Smart Card of Fungi product development, the ideal proportion of results was obtained from material experts at 80.00% (good), media experts at 94.67% (very good), peer reviewers at 92.71% (very good), and biology teachers at 97.86% (very good) so that the average ideal proportion is 91.31% (very good). The ideal proportion based on student responses is 90.61% (very good). Therefore, it can be concluded that the Smart Card of Fungi based on the local potential of macroscopic fungi in Watubarut Hamlet Kebumen is very suitable for use as a learning medium on fungi for class X Senior High School. %K Smart Card Of Fungi, Potensi Lokal, Jamur Makroskopis %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib61247