%A NIM.: 19104090027 Faradina Rokhmatul Miladiah %O Pembimbing: Dr. Rohmatun Lukluk Isnaini, M.Pd.I. %T IMPLEMENTASI KURIKULUM INTEGRATIF (KURIKULUM MERDEKA DAN KURIKULUM PONDOK PESANTREN) STUDI KASUS DI SMP DAARUL ILMI SLEMAN YOGYAKARTA %X Islamic boarding schools are faced with the challenge of implementing an independent curriculum because learning is focused not only on general learning but also on diniyyah lessons. The lack of experience and teacher training in independent learning is an obstacle in the implementation of independent curriculum in Islamic boarding schools. Therefore, it is necessary to plan the integration between the independent curriculum and the boarding school curriculum. This study aims to analyze the implementation of integrated curriculum (independent curriculum and Islamic boarding school curriculum) in Daarul Ilmi Sleman Junior High School. This research is a type of qualitative case study research. Researchers use data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews and documentation. The data is analyzed through the stages of transcribing, coding, grouping, comparing and contrasting, and then interpreting. Then it is tested for validity through triangulation of sources, triangulation of techniques, and extension of research time. The informants in this study were the principal, vice principal for curriculum, 7 teachers, 2 Musyrif. The appointment of informants is based on the 3M criteria, namely knowledge, understanding and experience. The results showed that 1) the implementation of the integrated curriculum (independent curriculum and Islamic boarding school curriculum) is based on three stages of curriculum management, namely a) planning, b) implementation and c) evaluation. In the planning stage, the Independent Curriculum and the KMI Curriculum are integrated based on the results of the working conference before the new school year based on the analysis of the previous school year. In the implementation stage, SMP Daarul Ilmi integrates general and Diniyyah lessons in a balanced manner. Then, at the evaluation stage, formative evaluation of the integrated curriculum is conducted regularly every month and summative evaluation is conducted every year. 2) There are four supporting factors, including a) the recommendation of the agency which requires the implementation of an integrative independent curriculum for Islamic boarding schools, b) teachers who are innovative and competent in teaching, c) easy coordination between students and teachers, and d) long duration of students' learning for 24 hours. Meanwhile, there are three inhibiting factors, namely, lack of facilities and infrastructure, lack of teacher’s mastery of the independent curriculum, and differences in student’s educational backgrounds. %K Kurikulum Merdeka, Kurikulum Pesantren, Kurikulum Integratif %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib61287