%A NIM.: 21204031015 Siti Nur Aisyah %O Pembimbing: Prof. Dr. H. Suyadi, MA %T INOVASI KEPALA SEKOLAH DALAM MENGELOLA SISTEM ADMINISTRASI UNTUK MENINGKATKAN MUTU PENDIDIKAN DI RA AL IMAMIYAH SUMENEP MADURA %X School management is closely related to the achievement of expected school goals. Therefore, to achieve this goal, the principal is the driving factor of all the resources in the school, so he should be able to maximize all existing components so as to improve the quality of education. The quality of education is very important in every educational institution as a result of the learning process of children at school. In addition, head innovation must be used as a benchmark in improving the quality of education which is the responsibility of the principal in carrying out managerial effectiveness in schools. The purpose of this study is to describe how the Principal's Innovation in Managing the Administration System to Improve the Quality of Education in RA Al Imamiyah Sumenep Madura. This research was conducted through a descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection techniques through observation, documentation, and interviews. Data validity test is done through source triangulation. Data analysis techniques are done through data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results of field research show that: 1). The form of principal innovation in administrative management to improve the quality of education in RA Al Imamiyah Sumenep Madura including: (a) Curriculum innovation in the form of developing learning media for teachers. (b) Facility management in the form of providing classrooms, offices, bathrooms, UKS, prayer rooms, and indoor and outdoor play equipment. (c). Financial management, namely in the form of policies in mapping between the duties of teachers and school staff. (d) Learning is in the form of good use of structured RPPH, RPPM. (e). Teacher management according to the qualifications of pre-school teachers. 2). The principal's efforts in improving the quality of education include; (a) Creating a conducive atmosphere, namely the separation of classrooms A and B. (b). Provision of experts, facilities and infrastructure. 3). Is the impact of quality for the development of education in RA Al Imamiyah Sumenep Madura among others; improve school achievement in the form of accreditation status, qualified teachers from the qualifications applied, and the quality of graduates. %K Inovasi Kepala Sekolah, Administrasi Pendidikan, Mutu Pendidikan %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib61338