%A NIM.: 21204031017 Ahmad Syauki %O Pembimbing: Dr. Rohinah M,A %T PENGEMBANGAN MEDIA SOSIAL TIKTOK UNTUK PENGENALAN BAHASA ARAB PADA ANAK USIA DINI DI RA INSAN MULIA %X Today, learning a foreign language in early childhood is nothing new for teachers and parents. Foreign language learning in early childhood is only focused on vocabulary recognition. There are two foreign languages that education usually introduces to early childhood, namely Arabic and English. The process of introducing Arabic vocabulary is usually introduced by educators with the song movement method, while the media for introducing educators is still limited, namely by using picture cards. Thus, in this case, the researcher offers a new learning media by utilizing the development of digital technology, namely social media Tiktok. The research and development model used in this study is ADDIE which has five stages, including (1) Analysis, namely the stage of examining a problem, (2) Design, namely the stage of planning media to be developed according to needs, (3) Development, namely the testing process media validation that has been planned, (4) Implementation, which is the product trial stage, (5) Evaluation which is the final stage where product effectiveness is tested. The results of the study show that: first, the development of Tiktok Social Media for the Introduction of Arabic Vocabulary at an Early Age is carried out in five stages. The results of this media development obtained a score of 96% from media experts, and 92% from material experts. Second, the impact of using social media tiktok for the introduction of Arabic vocabulary in early childhood is not very effective. This is evidenced by the results of the assessment of children who get an overall score in the Very Well Developed (BSB) category %K Media Sosial Tiktok, Bahasa Arab, Anak Usia Dini %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib61339