<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . . "USHUL FIQIH DALAM RANCANG-BANGUN EPISTEMOLOGI KEILMUAN PESANTREN: OTORITAS KEILMUAN, NALAR KEISLAMAN DAN RELASI KUASA"^^ . "In the scientific structure of pesantren (Islamic boarding\r\nschools) in general, ushul fiqh (Principles of Islamic jurisprudence) is\r\npositioned as a scientific discipline that is complementary, not\r\napplicable, and is studied solely as a form of appreciation for the\r\ntreasures of classical knwoledge. However, the lack of ushul fiqh\r\nstudies does not correlate with the formulation of fiqh of pesantren\r\n(Islamic boarding school) which is flexible, dynamic, and moderate.\r\nWhereas theoretically, the contextualization of fiqh requires sufficient\r\nunderstanding of ushul fiqh as a methodological tool. As a social fact,\r\nthe aforementioned phenomena do not occur sporadically and\r\nindependently, but are relational and interconnected. Therefore, this\r\nresearch makes Ma’had Aly (MA) Situbondo as the subject of study.\r\nMA Situbondo is not only the first Ma’had Aly but also the first\r\npesantren that treats ushul fiqh as an operational review material and\r\nmethodological tool. A re-actualization effort that can be observed in\r\nthe production of fatwas and scholarly thoughts, as well as its\r\ninvolvement in study forums such as halaqah (a religious gathering or\r\nmeeting for the study of Islam) and Bahtsul Masail (discussion forums\r\nbetween Islamic scholars, especially in pesantren affiliated with\r\nNahdlatul Ulama). The dynamics emerging from this institution\r\nshould not be perceived merely as a local phenomenon, but rather as a\r\nbroader paradigm shift and epistemological transformation within\r\npesantren.\r\nBased on the aforementioned background, this research aims to\r\naddress three main issues: 1) How was the study, development, and\r\nauthority of ushul fiqh formed in MA Situbondo? 2) Why and how\r\ndoes ushul fiqh play a role as Islamic reasoning in the context of\r\ntransforming the system of school of thoughts through reformulating\r\nthe method of establishing laws, in the production of fatwas and\r\nscholarly thoughts? 3) What is the relational meaning and function of ushul fiqh as the epistemological basis of pesantren science in the\r\ncontext of power relations, struggles for authority, and contestation of\r\ncontemporary Islamic discourse?\r\nTo answer these questions, there are three theoretical\r\nperspectives used, namely the theory of authority and critical\r\nhermeneutics of Khaled Abou el-Fadl, the theory of the discursive\r\ntradition of Talal Asad, and the theory of Genealogy by Michel\r\nFoucault. Data collection was carried out using document collection\r\nmethods, interviews, and participatory observation.\r\nThis research resulted in the following findings. First, MA\r\nSitubondo positions ushul fiqh as an important scientific discipline and\r\nbecomes the main orientation in its educational curriculum. The\r\nauthority of ushul fiqh at MA Situbondo is at least formed from four\r\nimportant factors, namely; 1) scholarly sanad (the chain of narrators\r\nof the hadith) that is symbolically connected to the scholarly network\r\nof scholars in Haramain; 2) the authoritative ushul fiqh texts studied,\r\nboth classical and contemporary; 3) the ability to access those texts;\r\nand 4) production of works and thoughts in the fields of ushul fiqh and\r\nfiqh. Second, the authorization of ushul fiqh at the MA Situbondo is a\r\nform of institutionalization of the dynamics of progressive thought\r\nwithin the circle of pesantren and NU. Ushul fiqh serves as the Islamic\r\nreasoning in order to transform the tradition of the school of thought.\r\nThird, the discourse formulation produced by MA Situbondo can be\r\nsummarized in the idea of wasatiyyat al-Islam (the value of\r\nmoderation in Islam), characterized by its moderation, contextuality,\r\nand substantive nature. This discourse cannot be separated from the\r\nongoing contestation of ideas and struggles for authority with Radical\r\nIslamic and Liberal Islamic groups. Therefore, it is closely related to\r\nthe practice of power as the power of discourse which carries a number\r\nof certain interests. The results of the research in this dissertation\r\nemphasize the role and significance of ushul fiqh in the\r\nepistemological structure of pesantren which renews previous\r\nscholarly findings."^^ . "2023-08-15" . . . . "UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . "PASCASAJANA, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . . . . . . . "NIM.: 19300016098"^^ . "Zuhri Humaidi"^^ . "NIM.: 19300016098 Zuhri Humaidi"^^ . . . . . . "USHUL FIQIH DALAM RANCANG-BANGUN EPISTEMOLOGI KEILMUAN PESANTREN: OTORITAS KEILMUAN, NALAR KEISLAMAN DAN RELASI KUASA (Text)"^^ . . . . . "19300016098_BAB-I_IV-atau-V_DAFTAR-PUSTAKA.pdf"^^ . . . "USHUL FIQIH DALAM RANCANG-BANGUN EPISTEMOLOGI KEILMUAN PESANTREN: OTORITAS KEILMUAN, NALAR KEISLAMAN DAN RELASI KUASA (Text)"^^ . . . . . "USHUL FIQIH DALAM RANCANG-BANGUN EPISTEMOLOGI KEILMUAN PESANTREN: OTORITAS KEILMUAN, NALAR KEISLAMAN DAN RELASI KUASA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "USHUL FIQIH DALAM RANCANG-BANGUN EPISTEMOLOGI KEILMUAN PESANTREN: OTORITAS KEILMUAN, NALAR KEISLAMAN DAN RELASI KUASA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "USHUL FIQIH DALAM RANCANG-BANGUN EPISTEMOLOGI KEILMUAN PESANTREN: OTORITAS KEILMUAN, NALAR KEISLAMAN DAN RELASI KUASA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "USHUL FIQIH DALAM RANCANG-BANGUN EPISTEMOLOGI KEILMUAN PESANTREN: OTORITAS KEILMUAN, NALAR KEISLAMAN DAN RELASI KUASA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . . "USHUL FIQIH DALAM RANCANG-BANGUN EPISTEMOLOGI KEILMUAN PESANTREN: OTORITAS KEILMUAN, NALAR KEISLAMAN DAN RELASI KUASA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "USHUL FIQIH DALAM RANCANG-BANGUN EPISTEMOLOGI KEILMUAN PESANTREN: OTORITAS KEILMUAN, NALAR KEISLAMAN DAN RELASI KUASA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "USHUL FIQIH DALAM RANCANG-BANGUN EPISTEMOLOGI KEILMUAN PESANTREN: OTORITAS KEILMUAN, NALAR KEISLAMAN DAN RELASI KUASA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "USHUL FIQIH DALAM RANCANG-BANGUN EPISTEMOLOGI KEILMUAN PESANTREN: OTORITAS KEILMUAN, NALAR KEISLAMAN DAN RELASI KUASA (Other)"^^ . . . . . "HTML Summary of #61384 \n\nUSHUL FIQIH DALAM RANCANG-BANGUN EPISTEMOLOGI KEILMUAN PESANTREN: OTORITAS KEILMUAN, NALAR KEISLAMAN DAN RELASI KUASA\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "Usul Fiqh" . . . "Pondok Pesantren" . .