%A NIM.: 21200011011 Imam Mahmudi %O Pembimbing: Dr. Suhadi, S.Ag., M.A. %T PERUBAHAN SOSIAL EKONOMI DAN TRANSFORMASI PERILAKU KEAGAMAAN MASYARAKAT PARIWISATA : ANALISIS PEMBANGUNAN PARIWISATA SIMPANG PB VI SELO-BOYOLALI %X This research was originated from the author's interest in studying the impact of tourism development towards the socio-economic and religious aspects of the tourism society in Samiran Village pasca the tourism development of Simpang PB VI Selo-Boyolali. The Samiran people are well-known for still holding fast to the Javanese customs and cultures of the Keraton which contain social, cultural and religious values as characteristics of mountains society, especially in the Selo District area. Some people still have the views that the development of tourism in their area is only limited to physical construction in the form of tourism infrastructure which is considered to have negative impacts for the society and is also considered as threats towards the socio-cultural and religious life of the society. This research is qualitative research with descriptive analysis results, and it uses the theory of social change which initiated by Piotr Sztompka and the perspective of religious revival which initiated by Peter L. Berger. Then it will be analyzed through these three following problem formulations, which are; First, how is the dynamics of the socio-economic and religious life of the society pasca the tourism development of the PB VI Selo-Boyolali. Second, what is the influence of the tourism development of Simpang PB VI towards the socio-economic and religious life of the society and third, what is the relationship between socio-economic changes towards the phenomenon of the religious revival in the tourism society. The results of this study show that, first, the implementation of tourism development policies at Simpang PB VI in Samiran Village has an impact on socio-economic changes which affect in the religious revival of the society. Second, socio-economic changes have an impact to the religious revival of the tourism society. Third, the rise of religion within the scope of the tourism society is caused by public anxiety about the impact of tourism development, thus encouraging the society to be active in carrying out various of religious agendas. The forms of revival include the revival of social religion, the revival of religious rituals, the revival of religious education, and the revival of religious organizations. %K Perubahan Sosial Ekonomi, Transformasi Perilkau Kegamaan, Masyarakat Pariwisata. %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib61419