%A NIM.: 19106020021 Danish Zaki Dhiyaulhaq %O Pembimbing: Frida Agung Rakhmadi, S.Si., M.Sc %T RANCANG BANGUN DAN PENGUJIAN ELEKTROKARDIOGRAF PORTABEL BERBASIS MIKROKONTROLER ESP8266, SENSOR AD8232, DAN DISPLAI MONITOR KOMPUTER %X This research is motivated by the lack of availability of electrocardiographs in Indonesian healthcare facilities. The aim of this study is to design, create, and test a portable electrocardiograph based on the ESP8266 microcontroller, AD8232 sensor, and computer monitor display. The research is conducted in three stages: design, fabrication, and system testing. The system is designed by creating the overall system design using Blender and circuit schematics using Fritzing. The fabrication stage involves creating the hardware and software components of the system, including the system blocks and casing. The software component consists of a display on WebSocket. The system is tested by determining accuracy and repeatability precision using the PQRST wave parameters. The designed system has been successfully created and tested. The test results show an accuracy of 0% for the amplitude of the P wave parameter, 66.079% for the amplitude of the QRS wave parameter, 81.699% for the amplitude of the T wave parameter, 0% for the QRS wave time interval parameter, 56.778% for the P-R time interval parameter, 77.485% for the Q-T time interval parameter, and 82.372% for the R-R time interval parameter. Additionally, the obtained precision values are 87.531% for the amplitude of the P wave parameter, 89.705% for the amplitude of the QRS wave parameter, 86.015% for the amplitude of the T wave parameter, 44.327% for the QRS wave time interval parameter, 60.380% for the P-R time interval parameter, 78.238% for the Q-T time interval parameter, and 78.449% for the R-R time interval parameter. The test results indicate that the system has not fully achieved accurate and consistent measurements for some parameters as per SNI IEC 60601-2-25 standards. The results of this research are expected to make a positive contribution to the field of telemedicine and improve accessibility for measurements in remote areas. %K Elektrokardiograf Portabel, ESP8266, AD8232, WebSocket %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib61484