relation: title: RANCANG BANGUN SISTEM PEMANTAUAN POLUTAN UDARA PM2.5 DALAM RUANGAN MENGGUNAKAN INTERNET OF THINGS BERPROTOKOL MESSAGE QUEUING TELEMETRY TRANSPORT creator: Sadewa Bagus Rahmamuliawan, NIM.: 19106020024 subject: Fisika description: This research aimed to design, manufacture, and test a PM2.5 air pollutant monitoring system based on PMS7003 sensor module, NodeMCU ESP8266, and IoT with MQTT protocol. This research was conducted in three stages: designing, manufacturing, and testing the PM2.5 air pollutant monitoring system based on PMS7003 sensor module, NodeMCU ESP8266 and IoT with MQTT protocol. The system was designed using Fritzing and Freecad software. The system was made with PMS7003 sensor module, NodeMCU ESP8266, and OLED SSD1306 for the hardware, while the system software was made using arduino IDE and IoT MQTT Panel. The system testing includes functional suitability, accuracy, and repeatability precision. The system was successfully designed and manufactured. The design results was used as a reference for manufacturing the indoor PM2.5 air pollutant monitoring system using the PMS7003 sensor module, NodeMCU ESP8266, and IoT with MQTT protocol. Futhermore, the manufactured system was succesfully tested with a 100% value of functional suitability, 98,9% of accuracy, and 98,7% of repeatability precision. date: 2023-07-26 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Sadewa Bagus Rahmamuliawan, NIM.: 19106020024 (2023) RANCANG BANGUN SISTEM PEMANTAUAN POLUTAN UDARA PM2.5 DALAM RUANGAN MENGGUNAKAN INTERNET OF THINGS BERPROTOKOL MESSAGE QUEUING TELEMETRY TRANSPORT. Skripsi thesis, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA.