%A NIM.: 19106020029 Gassa Putra Nurainudin %O Pembimbing: Andi, M.Sc. dan Nugroho Budi Wibowo, M.Sc %T IDENTIFIKASI JALUR SESAR LOKAL DENGAN METODE MAGNETIK DI DESA HARGOMULYO, KAPANEWON KOKAP, KABUPATEN KULONPROGO %X The research was conducted in the inffered fault area in Hargomulyo Village, Kulonprogo. This study aims to analyze the pattern of magnetic field anomalies, identify the subsurface lithology and the type, length, position, and direction of the faults in Hargomulyo Village. Acquisition of the total magnetic field using a Proton Precision Magnetometer (PPM) of 44 measurement points in the Kebobutak (Tmok), Sentolo (Tmps), Alluvium (Qa) and Andesite (a) Formations. Processing of total magnetic field data goes through several stages (corrections), namely diurnal correction, IGRF, separation of anomalies, reduce to pole, and upward continuation. The results of the analysis show that the magnetic field anomaly values vary between 432,6 s.d. -441,7 nT High anomalous magnetic field closures are found in the a and Tmok Formations, while low closures are found in the Tmps and Qa Formations. 2D modeling shows that the fault line area is dominated by 4 types of rock, namely andesite with a susceptibility of 68 to 126 x 10-3 SI, andesite breccia 10 to 55 x 10-3 SI, sandstone 4 to 5 x 10-3 SI, and clay/silt 0 to 0,013 10-3 SI. The identification results show the existence of a fault line between Mount Kamal and Mount Suru Suko Rini with a length of 2,4 km to the North to South (N 8° E) following the direction of controlling the direction of the river flow. The fault line is a type of ascending fault with the West side higher than the East side. %K Metode Magnetik, Sesar Desa Hargomulyo, Suseptibilitas %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib61487