@phdthesis{digilib61489, month = {August}, title = {PENGARUH VARIASI KONSENTRASI FILLER CaCO3-KITOSAN PADA EDIBLE FILM BERBASIS PATI KULIT PISANG KEPOK DAN APLIKASINYA TERHADAP BUAH ANGGUR MERAH (VITIS VINIFERA)}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 19106030047 Siti Lailaturohmah}, year = {2023}, note = {Pembimbing: Endaruji Sedyadi, S.Si., M.Sc}, keywords = {Edible film, Kulit Pisang Kepok, CaCO3, Kitosan}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/61489/}, abstract = {Research related to the effect of variations in the concentration of CaCO3 ? chitosan filler on edible films based on kepok banana peel starch as packaging for grapes has been done. This study aims to characterize edible films from kepok banana peel starch with the addition of CaCO3-chitosan based on parameters of thickness, tensile strength, elongation, Young's modulus, water vapor transmission test, ash content test, and identify the effect of variations in CaCO3- chitosan filler concentration on edible films. based on kepok banana peel starch on the shelf life of grapes based on parameters of weight loss and vitamin C content test. This research consisted of several stages, namely, extracting starch from kepok banana peels, making edible films, testing physical-mechanical properties, applying edible films to grapes, and testing the shelf life. The yield of kepok banana peel starch obtained was 6\%. Edible films were made with CaCO3 ? chitosan filler variations of 0:0, 100:0, 50:50, and 0:100 on a basis of 6\% (w/w) of starch weight. The concentration of glycerol used is 30\% by weight of starch. The principle of making edible film is gelatinization and the principle of applying edible film to grapes is the coating/dipping method. Edible film characterization includes thickness test, tensile strength, elongation, water vapor transmission test, and ash content test. Testing the shelf life of grapes included weight loss test and vitamin C test. The test results were analyzed using ANOVA with SPSS 25.0 software. The results showed that the addition of CaCO3 filler to edible films tended not to improve the physical and mechanical properties of edible films, this was shown by the relatively high thickness and WVTR values and low tensile strength, elongation, and Young's modulus. While the combination filler between CaCO3-chitosan has relatively high thickness and WVTR as well as relatively low tensile strength, elongation, Young's modulus. The use of chitosan filler is an edible film with the best physical-mechanical properties, indicated by the relatively lowest thickness and WVTR values as well as the highest tensile strength and elongation. The addition of filler CaCO3-chitosan did not affect weight loss but did affect the decrease in vitamin C levels with a significance of 0.000 on the 0th and 12th days.} }