%A NIM.: 19106030027 Divya Nur Azizah %O Pembimbing: Dr. Maya Rahmayanti, M.Si. %T STUDI VARIASI MASSA KATALIS MAGNETIK BERBASIS KULIT PETAI (Parkia speciosa Hassk) DAN VARIASI PERBANDINGAN VOLUME MINYAK-METANOL TERHADAP MUTU BIODIESEL DARI MINYAK JELANTAH %X A magnetic catalyst bassed on peel of petai (Parkia speciosa Hassk) or Fe3O4-PSH is used in the synthesis of biodiesel from waste cooking oil was carried out. The purpose study was to characterize Fe3O4-PSH based on FTIR and XRD instruments and to analyze the quality of biodiesel by making variations the mass of the Fe3O4-PSH catalyst and variations in the ratio of oil-methanol volume based on SNI 7182:2015. The research was started by synthesizing Fe3O4-PSH using the co-precipitation method. Characterization of Fe3O4-PSH using FTIR (Fourier Transform Infra-Red) and XRD (X-Ray Diffraction). Biodiesel synthesis using batch method with variations in mass Fe3O4-PSH and volume ratio oil-methanol. Biodiesel quality tests carried out were density, acid number, flash point and water content. Fe3O4-PSH was successfully synthesizes, indicating a Fe-O magnetic core bond on 572,78 cm-1 based on the FTIR and 14,5 nm crystal size based on XRD. The additional Fe3O4-PSH catalyst variations of 0.25% and 0.50% (w/w) resulted in biodiesel yields of 89.01% and 90.26%, respectively. The volume ratio of oil-methanol 3:1, 6:1, 9:1 and 12:1 resulted in biodiesel yields of 92.70%, 89.54%, 89.01% and 88.04%, respectively. The quality test of the biodiesel produced complies with SNI 7182:2015 standards except for the parameter of water content. The composition of the methyl ester in biodiesel from waste cooking oil with a Fe3O4-PSH catalyst is 98,71%. %K Biodiesel, Kulit Petai, Katalis Fe3O4-PSH, Minyak Jelantah, Transesterifikasi %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib61505