%A NIM.: 19106050019 Muhammad Hilmi Fawwaz %O Pembimbing: Agus Mulyanto, S.Si., M.Kom %T RANCANG BANGUN SISTEM INFORMASI MANAJEMEN ADMINISTRASI KALURAHAN TEGALTIRTO BERBAH MENGGUNAKAN METODE EXTREME PROGRAMMING %X Sistem Informasi Surat Otomatis Kalurahan Tegaltirto is here to help residents and the Tegaltirto Village to simplify and speed up the process of submitting letters. Prior to the existence of this system, the process of submitting letters had to come to the village office directly, as well as village staff who had to manually write down the personal data of the residents who submitted the letter. In this study, the authors chose to use the Extreme Programming method for system development. Extreme Programming was chosen because it is flexible and open to changes that occur in the midst of the system development process. System development uses the Extreme Programming method through four stages of development, namely planning, design, coding, testing. This system was developed based on a website so that it can be easily accessed anywhere and anytime as long as the device used is connected to internet access. Based on the results of testing the Sistem Informasi Surat Otomatis Kalurahan Tegaltirto, whether it's alpha or beta testing, it can be concluded that the system is running well and can be used easily by residents and village staff as admins. Alpha test results prove that the system functionality is 100% running well. The results of beta testing for the admin section feature, 100% of respondents stated that all features were running well and the results of beta testing for system usability from all respondents 56.25% strongly agreed, 31.25% agreed, and 12.5% were neutral. The results of beta testing for the citizen section feature, of all respondents 92.86% stated that all features function properly, and the results of beta testing for system usability from all respondents 87.5% strongly agreed, 10.42% agreed, and 2.08% neutral. %K Rancang Bangun, Sistem Informasi, Surat, Otomatis, Extreme Programming %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib61543