%A NIM.: 19106060009 Fajar Sundari %O Pembimbing: Dr. Ir. Ira Setyaningsih, S.T., M.Sc, IPM, ASEAN Eng. %T ANALISIS KUALITAS PELAYANAN UNTUK MENGUKUR KEPUASAN PELANGGAN DENGAN METODE FUZZY SERVQUAL DAN IMPORTANCE PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS (IPA) (STUDI KASUS DI TOKO BRAYAN MAJU) %X This study aims to measure the level of customer satisfaction with the services provided by the Brayan Maju Store. Identify the priority factors for consumer assessment of the quality of services provided by the Brayan Maju Store. Provide recommendations for improvements to the Brayan Maju Store. The object under study is the service provided by Toko Brayan Maju with the dimensions of tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. Methods of data collection using interview techniques, library research, surveys, and observations. The analysis model uses Questionnaire Data Processing, Calculating Fuzzification, Calculating Defuzzification, Calculating GAP Servqual Values, and IPA Quadrants. The research results obtained are Brayan Maju Stores still have a negative value on the quality of services provided. This negative value shows that the customer is not satisfied with the service from the Brayan Maju Store. The gap values per dimension include the tangibles dimension (-4.533), the reliability dimension (-4.311), the responsiveness dimension (-4.689), the assurance dimension (-4.677), and the empathy dimension (-4.067). factors that are priority customer assessments are products displayed on shelves, store records are accurate, store employees understand the specific needs of their customers, store employees have sufficient knowledge to answer customer questions, stores provide service time according to the promised time, and Store employees are polite to customers. %K ualitas Pelayanan, Kepuasan Pelanggan, Metode Fuzzy Serqual, Importance Performance Analysis %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib61560