%A NIM.: 21206052012 Andi Cahyono %O Pembimbing: Ir. Muhammad Taufiq Nuruzzaman, S.T. M.Eng., Ph.D. %T RUMUSAN FORMULA UNTUK MENENTUKAN PENGGUNAAN BANDWIDTH DALAM MENGOPERASIKAN APLIKASI ZOOM MEETING %X This research aims to formulate a formula that can be used to determine the amount of bandwidth requirements in operating Zoom Meeting. The presence of Zoom Meeting as an important communication tool in a digital environment poses challenges in efficient bandwidth allocation, especially when involving many devices simultaneously on a network. The research method used is an experimental test by measuring throughput using the Wireshark application when running Zoom Meeting. The background of this research comes from the difficulty in estimating the amount of bandwidth needed to run Zoom Meeting with a diverse number of devices on one network. This research provides a solution in the form of a formula that combines the throughput value obtained from analyzing data packets through Wireshark, as well as the addition of 10% of the throughput value. This aims to ensure reliable performance when using Zoom Meeting. In consequence, the result of this research is a formula that can be used to calculate bandwidth requirements based on the throughput obtained from the data packet sniffing process during the use of Zoom Meeting. Thereafter, this formula can be applied by allocating bandwidth according to the number of devices involved. %K Zoom Meeting, Bandwidth, Throughput, Wireshark, Rumusan Formula %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib61602