%A NIM.: 16370054 Elija Muhammad Fikri %O Pembimbing: Dr. Rizal Qosim, M.SI. %T MENAKAR UNTUNG RUGI SISTEM PEMILU PROPORSIONAL TERBUKA DENGAN PROPORSIONAL TERTUTUP PERSPEKTIF MASLAHAH %X The electoral system in Indonesia is the most important thing for the development of democratization. Conceptually and in practice, democracy in Indonesia regulates the constitutional system for the realization of popular sovereignty. The electoral system in Indonesia today has undergone various changes, a system that has been implemented by the Indonesian state through a proportional system either open proportional or closed proportional. The author examines how the relevance of the implementation of open proportional and closed proportional elections in the era of democracy and how maslahah in looking at the open proportional electoral system with closed proportional. In conducting research, researchers use library research. The nature of this research is descriptive analysis. The approach used is a juridical-normative approach, namely a legal research approach using data sources from facts in society. The data sources used are primary and secondary data sources. While the theory used is the theory of democracy and māslahah. The theory used to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of an open proportional electoral system with a closed proportional māslahah perspective whether the system is in accordance with what the Indonesian people aspire to. The results of this study explain that the open proportional system provides a space for democratization and creates the benefits of Indonesian society in general. While the closed proportional is the opposite of the open proportional system. the impact given by the government to the electoral system has its advantages and disadvantages, both open proportional and closed proportional. That way, the birth of the idea of a proportional system is considered good because it accommodates multi-parties in Indonesia. %K Pemilu Proporsional, Demokrasi, Maslahah %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib61635