%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A Muhammad Fikri Alhuda, NIM.: 16370059 %B FAKULTAS SYARI’AH DAN HUKUM %D 2023 %F digilib:61636 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Cipta Kerja, Perlindungan Hukum, Maqasid Syariah %P 117 %T IMPLEMENTASI UNDANG-UNDANG NOMOR 6 TAHUN 2023 TENTANG CIPTA KERJA DALAM PEMENUHAN HAK BERIBADAH BAGI KARYAWAN MUSLIM DI PT TELAGA CAHAYA SEJAHTERA %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/61636/ %X Job creation is an effort to support economic transformation in order to create jobs for the community. The regulation of job creation is regulated through Law Number 6 of 2023 concerning Job Creation. In this Job Creation Law, it regulates social facilities related to the fulfillment of the right to worship. It is undeniable that the fulfillment of the right to worship is a human right that must be carried out based on their respective religious beliefs and must be protected by the state through legal protection. In this research, the author examines how PT Telaga Cahaya Sejahtera accommodates the policy of protecting employees' right to worship and what are the obstacles of PT Telaga Cahaya Sejahtera in the process of implementation and legal protection of workers' rights to worship. In conducting research, researchers use field research methods. The nature of this research is descriptive-analytical. The approach used is a juridical-normative approach, namely a legal research approach using data sources from facts in society. The data sources used are primary data sources derived from interviews with PT Telaga Cahaya sejahtera at the deoland restaurant. While secondary data sources come from books, journals, previous research and documents related to this research. This research uses a qualitative method that is descriptive-analytical in nature. Meanwhile, the theory used is the theory of legal protection and maqᾱṣid sharia. The theory is used to analyze how the fulfillment of the right to worship for employees in accordance with legal protection and explain the ultimate goals or objectives of sharia. The results of this study explain that the fulfillment of the right to worship at PT Telaga Cahaya Sejahtera in Doeland restaurant is in accordance with the policy of the work copyright law. Although in its implementation it still experiences several obstacles, namely not fully accommodated and lack of participation from each employee. In addition, when looking at the view of Islamic law, the policy of fulfilling the right to worship for employees is in accordance with the theory of legal protection and the principles of maqᾱṣid sharia. However, it has not been maximized in its implementation. %Z Pembimbing: Dr. Ahmad Yani Anshari, M. Ag.