TY - THES N1 - Pembimbing: Shohibul Adhkar, M.H ID - digilib61750 UR - https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/61750/ A1 - Asyam Haidar Fathin, NIM.: 19103060014 Y1 - 2023/08/25/ N2 - Traditional Wedding ceremonies are one of the most important cultural elements and must be preserved for future generations. One of the wedding traditions of the Banyumas community is the Begalan. Although the name means robbery in Javanese, in practice the bride's party will "block" and "rob" the groom's party. The Begalan tradition is performed as part of the Slametan or Ruwatan art form. However, no Begalan tradition has been found from the time of the Prophet, until the time of Tabi'in. This may lead to a debate as to whether the performance of the Begalan tradition in marriage is in accordance with Islamic teachings. Further research is therefore needed into the religious aspects of the practice of the Begalan tradition. However, it is important to maintain and preserve the Begalan tradition as part of the cultural heritage of our ancestors. Based on the above issues, this research has two problem formulations. First, How are the views of traditional leaders and Islamic religious leaders regarding the Begalan tradition. Second, How is the comparison between traditional leaders and Islamic religious leaders regarding the Begalan tradition according to 'Urf theory. This research is a type of field research. This research is descriptive comparative analytical. The approach used is the Us}u>l Fiqih approach. Data sources come from interviews, field observations, documents. The data analysis method in this research is using qualitative data analysis. Based on the data collected and analysed, this study made several findings. First, according to Suparto (a traditional leader), the Begalan tradition is highly recommended to be carried out because it is a tradition passed down from previous elders and has been adjusted to Islamic law. Begalan tradition has a very important role in the wedding ceremony because it contains useful advice for the bride and groom. Second, according to Drs Dawud Buang (Islamic Religious Leaders) Basically it does not matter if the community carries out the tradition or is allowed to be implemented. Because, in the implementation there is gratitude to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, sholawat and greetings to the Prophet shalalahu 'alaihi wa salam, and prayers to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Begalan tradition there is cultural acculturation with Islamic law so that it is in accordance with Islamic law. Begalan is part of al-?Urf al-'amali. These are the habits of society related to ordinary actions or civil muamalah. Begalan belongs to the category of al-?Urf al-Khas{. These are the customs that prevail in certain communities and regions. Begalan is considered part of al-?Urf al-s{ohi>h, i.e. the custom prevailing in society that does not contradict the nash (verse or hadith), does not take away its benefit, and does not bring mudharat to it. PB - UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA KW - Tradisi Begalan KW - Hukum Adat KW - Hukum Agama Islam KW - ?Urf M1 - skripsi TI - TRADISI BEGALAN DALAM PERKAWINAN DI KECAMATAN SOKARAJA (PERSPEKTIF TOKOH ADAT DAN TOKOH AGAMA ISLAM) AV - restricted EP - 130 ER -