%A NIM.: 19103060016 Achmad Jaelani Yusuf %O Pembimbing: Drs. Abd. Halim, M. Hum %T TRADISI MENRE BOLA BARU DALAM MASYARAKAT BUGIS SIDRAP: STUDI PANDANGAN TOKOH MUHAMMADIYAH DAN NAHDLATUL ULAMA %X This research departs from the reality of the Sidrap Bugis community. Where these people have traditions or habits when moving to a new house or menre' new house. The tradition of menre' bola baru is a hereditary tradition that exists among the Bugis people. This tradition is carried out by the owner of the house as a form of gratitude to God for the fortune that has been given so that he can build a new house. The implementation of the menre' bola baru tradition raised pros and cons between religious leaders among Muhammadiyah and NU figures. There are rituals in this tradition that are considered inconsistent with Islamic law, resulting in differences of opinion among Muhammadiyah and NU figures This study uses the ushul fiqh approach, which uses the urf theory. The type of research used is field research. Research in the field was used to obtain information related to the process of carrying out the menre' bola baru tradition and the views of Muhammadiyah and NU clerics in Sidrap Regency in Lalebata Village regarding the menre' baru bola tradition. Therefore the collection of data used in this study is interviews with informants and documentation. Where the appointed informants were religious leaders from Muhammadiyah and NU. The results of this study explain that the tradition of menre' bola baru consists of four processes, namely: makkarawa bola, mappatettong bola, menre' bola baru and maccera bola. The existence of several rituals performed in this tradition resulted in differences of opinion from Muhammadiyah and NU figures. Muhammadiyah figures are of the opinion that this tradition should be abandoned because it is not explained in the texts (Al-Qur'an and Hadith) and was never carried out by Rasulullah and his companions, so that it could lead to bid'ah, whereas according to NU figures, the tradition of menre' bola can only be only as long as in the implementation there is nothing that deviates from the teachings of Islam such as rubbing chicken blood in parts of the house that are believed to be able to avoid danger. Then this tradition contains many good wishes for homeowners. The good hope lies in the meaning of each ritual and typical Bugis cake %K Menre’ Bola Baru, ‘Urf, Muhammadiyah, Nahdlatul Ulama %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib61754