%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A Dudung Abdullah, NIM.: 19103060035 %B FAKULTAS SYARI’AH DAN HUKUM %D 2023 %F digilib:61757 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Nyambungan, ‘Urf, Akad, Tokoh Adat, Tokoh Islam %P 170 %T PRAKTIK TRADISI NYAMBUNGAN MASYARAKAT DESA RAJAWANGI KABUPATEN MAJALENGKA (STUDI PANDANGAN TOKOH ADAT DAN TOKOH ISLAM) %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/61757/ %X Nyambungan is a tradition carried out by the community of Rajawangi Village, Leuwimunding District, Majalengka Regency. This tradition originated from the ancestral sense of mutual assistance when there were villagers who were about to hold a ceremony, especially during the walimatul ‘urs ceremony. Considering that organizing such ceremonies requires a considerable amount of funds, Nyambungan emerged to ease the burden of the event's host (sahibul hajat). However, over time and with changing times, the meaning of Nyambungan has shifted from its original purpose of pure mutual assistance, transforming and implicitly involving reciprocity and even debt transactions. Based on this context, the researcher explores two fundamental questions that constitute the research problem. Firstly, what is the concept of debt and credit within the tradition of Nyambungan in Rajawangi Village? Secondly, how do traditional leaders and Islamic figures perceive the tradition of Nyambungan in Rajawangi Village?. Thirdly, what is the role of 'urf and akad in analyzing the views of traditional leaders and Islamic figures on the Nyambungan tradition in Rajawangi Village?. This research adopts a descriptive-analytical-comparative approach, utilizing field research methodology. It subsequently examines the tradition through the lenses of 'urf (customary law) and akad (contractual law) to elucidate the legal standing of Nyambungan and compare the perspectives of traditional leaders and Islamic figures. Drawing from the data collected and analyzed, this research presents several findings. First, Nyambungan practiced by the community of Rajawangi Village reflects the harmonious and cooperative nature of the village society, exemplifying mutual assistance when one of its members holds a ceremony. The process of Nyambungan involves attending an invitation (kondangan), participating in the event, giving Nyambungan items, and concluding with documentation by both parties. This documentation implies the existence of a concept of debt and credit within this tradition. Second, from the perspective of traditional leaders, Nyambungan is regarded as a manifestation of the cultural identity of the community, as the reciprocal relationships foster warmth and camaraderie. Islamic figures also acknowledge the benefits inherent in Nyambungan. However, there is a difference of opinion among Islamic figures regarding the legal status of Nyambungan. Some believe it falls under wadi'ah, especially when there is no agreement between the parties, while others categorize it as qard. Third, the Nyambungan tradition falls under the 'urf sahih 'amali khas and is considered a valid contractual practice using a written contract (sigat akad kitabah). %Z Pembimbing: Fitria, S.Ag., M.Ag.