%A NIM.: 19103070027 Ferly Datul Jannah %O Pembimbing: Proborini, M.H. %T PENGANGKATAN DAN KEWENANGAN PENJABAT KEPALA DESA DALAM MENJALANKAN PEMERINTAHAN DESA TAMBERU KECAMATAN BATUMARMAR KABUPATEN PAMEKASAN TAHUN 2022 %X In the Indonesian government system, the village government is the most basic government that has direct contact with the community. Law No. 6/2014 concerning on Villages regulates all authorities, obligations, and rights of the village. The village government is headed by the Village Head. In case the village head dies, resigns, be laid off, or the term expires, the village head will be replaced by a village government official named “PJ Village Head” until a new Village Head is elected in accordance with Law No. 6/2014. Since April 2022 until the time this research was written, the Tamberu Village administration has been led by a PJ Village Head as of July 2023, and there has been no news on when the village head election will be held after the failure of the simultaneous village head election in accordance with the Pamekasan Regent's Decree which should have been held in April 2022. In this case, it resulted in the weak administration of the local village government. Thus, this research formulates several problems, namely, 1). How is the suitability of the procedure for appointing the (PJ) Tamberu Village Head with Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning on villages which will be analyzed with the theory of democracy. 2). How is the problematic authority of the PJ Tamberu Village Head in running the village government. 3). How the appointment and authority of the Village Head (PJ) is viewed from the concept of leadership in siyasah dusturiyah. This research uses a normative juridical approach with a statutory approach. Data collection mechanism on this problem is by observation, interviews, and documentation analysis which will be analyzed qualitatively by the leadership system in the perspective of siyasah dusturiyah. The results of the reserch show that the appointment of the PJ Village Head in this case is in accordance with statutory regulations, but is not ideal because of the interference of several people who have an interest. In carrying out his authority, obligations and rights in running the village government, temporary officials have the same authority as the village head. The appointment and authority of the PJ Village Head in the concept of Islamic leadership is crucial in village government, so that the rights and authorities are equated with the village head. %K Penjabat Kepala Desa, Pemerintahan Desa, Konsep Kepemimpinan %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib61767