%A NIM.: 19103070057 Muhamad Aking Pangestu %O Pembimbing: Proborini Hastuti, M.H. %T KEDUDUKAN DAN KEWENANGAN KONSTITUSIONAL WAKIL PRESIDEN DALAM SISTEM PRESIDENSIAL (STUDI PERBANDINGAN KONSTITUSI NEGARA INDONESIA, FILIPINA DAN IRAN) %X Vice President is an important position in a presidential system of government. However, many people claim that the position of Vice President is only the President's spare tire. The term arose because the true duties and obligations of a Vice President are only to replace or represent a President if the President is unable or unable to carry out his duties. In the context of a presidential system, the role of the Vice President has a deep significance. This research explores in depth the position and authority of the Vice President within the Presidential framework. The focus is given to how the Vice President is able to provide government stability, support the President's leadership and contribute to decision making in the executive structure. In addition, this research also explores the constitutions of various countries that implement presidential systems, the selected countries are Indonesia, the Philippines and Iran. This research is the embodiment of legal research in accordance with the problem under study. In this context, this research uses a normative legal research approach that focuses on the analysis of relevant literature and secondary data or can be called library law research. This research approach is a comparative approach which is carried out by comparing the constitutions of several countries. This research is descriptive analysis which means describing and analyzing the comparison of the position and authority of the Vice President in three countries. The results of this study indicate that the position and authority of the Vice Presidents of Indonesia, the Philippines and Iran tend to have similarities and differences. In terms of duties and authorities, the Vice President has the main task of replacing or representing the President in the absence of the President. The difference lies in additional tasks, because each country has different political needs. Therefore, a law is needed that regulates the Presidential institution so that problems do not occur and become a limiting authority between the President and the Vice President as well as with other state institutions in order to create harmony in carrying out their respective obligations in the realm of sound government. %K Wakil Presiden, Sistem Presidensial, Perbandingan Konstitusi %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib61771