%A NIM.: 19103080052 Hilal Bagus Hirawan %O Pembimbing: Dr. Fathorrahman, S.Ag., M.Si. %T TINJAUAN SOSIOLOGI HUKUM ISLAM TERHADAP TURNAMEN PLAYSTATION DENGAN HADIAH BERSUMBER DARI UANG PENDAFTARAN PESERTA (STUDI KASUS DI RENTAL DIAN PLAYSTATION, SLEMAN, YOGYAKARTA) %X Dian Playstation Rental is one of the rentals that often holds Pro Evolution Soccer Playstation 3 tournaments. This rental is located in Condongcatur, Sleman, Yogyakarta. The source of prizes from tournaments is from participant registration money. This kind of practice has been discussed in NU congress forums and by well-known religious leaders in Indonesia. And they agree that competitions or tournaments with the source of prizes from participant registration money may not be or are the same as gambling. Therefore, the author is interested in examining more deeply through the perspective of the sociology of Islamic law. This research seeks to answer the main questions regarding: How is the implementation of Playstation tournaments with a prize system sourced from participant registration fees at the Dian Playstation rental, Sleman, Yogyakarta and How is the sociological view of Islamic law towards Playstation tournaments with a prize system sourced from participant registration fees. This research is a field research located at the Dian Playstation rental, Sleman, Yogyakarta. This study uses a qualitative research method that is analytical descriptive in nature as a knife for analysis using the Behavioral Sociology theory of Burrhus Frederic Skinner. The data collection techniques used are interviews, observation and documentation. Based on the analysis that has been carried out by the authors, the authors have the results of research that the Pro Evolution Soccer Playstation 3 tournament is not allowed because there is an element of wasting time just playing games and abandoning religious obligations, namely prayer. And there are 5 factors that organizers and participants take part in and hold the Pro Evolution Soccer Playstation 3 tournament at Dian's Playstation rental, namely: the friend factor, the mental training factor, the desire factor to become a champion, the entertainment and self-satisfaction factor, and the profit factor. Meanwhile, in a sociological review of Islamic law, the Pro Evolution Soccer Playstation 3 tournament at Dian's Playstation rental is still routinely held because the organizers and participants get benefits (rewards) from a financial and nonfinancial perspective. this is in accordance with behavioral sociological theory which makes reward the focal point of someone doing an act repeatedly. %K Sosiologi Hukum Islam, Turnamen Playstation, Uang Pendaftaran Peserta. %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib61807