%A NIM.: 20203011085 Insiyah Abdul Bakir, S.H.I. %O Pembimbing: Dr. Mochamad Sodik, S.Sos., M.Si. %T IMPLEMENTASI UPAYA RESOLUSI KONFLIK TERHADAP ISTRI PELAKU HALAQOH BISNIS ONLINE YOGYAKARTA (PERSPEKTIF TEORI MUBADALAH DAN MASLAHAH) %X The changing times that occur today have implications for the increasing needs of life, especially in the household. This is one of the reasons that requires the participation of working women to take on roles that are generally the responsibility of the husband alone. This increasing economic need is the reason most women help their husbands to fulfill household needs, one of which is through an online business platform, in this paper, namely HBO (Halaqoh online business). However, this role change that occurs becomes a conflict that can destroy the integrity of the household if both are unable to present a resolution to the conflict that occurs. Therefore, the focus of the main problem in this paper is: conflict resolution of husband and wife internet marketing actors in Halaqoh Bisnis Online Yogyakarta and benefit analysis and mubādalah theory review of conflict resolution efforts over the family of Halaqoh Bisnis Online Yogyakarta actors. The research method used in this research is: descriptive-qualitative which is included in the category of field research. This research uses two data sources, namely: First, primary data obtained through an interview process with five online business halaqoh actors who are registered as members in Yogyakarta. Second, secondary data obtained through various texts/documents that have material relevance to the content of this research. The research results that can be described are that conflict resolution built in a household is something that must be pursued by both parties, not just one party through several stages of steps. Thus, every right that both of them have as whole human beings will be guaranteed. Through alignment theory, the conflict resolution that is sought will bring harmony and avoid the double burden that often occurs to women who also help the family economy. This theory also brings teamwork as partners who will jointly help each other in every matter both related to household and public affairs, so that at the peak both partners will feel willing and pleased. This is an implication of the five pillars in mubādalah theory, with the hope of realizing mutual benefit in it. The benefits realized through mubādalah theory are in line with the theory of benefit, in which in this paper the role of the wife is a form of prevention of the destruction of a family due to economic shortcomings and is a form of guarding the soul (hifz an-nafs) by restoring the family economy, protecting children's education (hifz al-aql) and protecting family property from poverty (hifz al-māl). Thus, the conflict resolution efforts in this paper are an illustration of realizing the benefit of the family for the sake of maintaining the family's welfare. %K Resolusi Konflik, Halaqoh Bisnis Online (HBO), Teori Mubadalah, Teori Maṣlaḥah %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib61832